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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 10 본문


Daily English School - 10

LeoBehindK 2023. 5. 18. 07:23

Sentence Construction:
X Nowaday I did not have anything special. >>  Nowaday I do not have anything special.
X Young workers express their non-traditional office wears.  >> Young workers express their non-traditional office wear.
X So many other colleagues said her outfit when they saw her first time.  >>  So many other colleagues appreciated her outfit when they saw her for the first time.  
X It was method for icebreaking for first meet each other. >> It was a method for icebreaking for the first time she met them.
X So many example is on the instagram or internet.  >> So many examples are on instagram or the internet.
X My company is no rule for outfit so I can short pants or any kinds of clothes. >> My company has no rules for outfit so I can wear short pants or any kind of clothes.
X At that time I wear formal pants or formal clothes. >> At that time I wore formal pants or formal clothes.

Good Sentences:
O He was boiling with rage.
O We can ramp up but there are practical constraints.
O It’s scorching hot today.
O It was a period of intense activity.
O The news spread like wildfire all over the village.
O I don’t want to play with fire.
O Unfortunately, this comment will simply add fuel to the fire.
O I got in debt and I really want to jump out of the frying pan and into fire after I lost my job.
O These kinds of clothes are very uncomfortable.

* scrutiny /skroot-n-ee/
* revelation /rev-uh-ley-shuhn/
* massive /mas-iv/
* furious /fyoor-ee-uhs/
* dubious /doo-bee-uhs/
* average /av-rij/
* large /lahrj/
* traditional /truh-dish-uh-nl/
* vintage /vin-tij/
* fashion /fash-uhn/
* notoriety /noh-tuh-rahy-i-tee/
* mundane /muhn-deyn/
* loungewear /lounj-wai/
* particular /per-tik-yuh-ler/

Build Lexicon:
* notoriety := (n) the state of being famous for being bad in some way.
   Example: She achieved notoriety for her affair with the senator.
* mundane := (adj) not interesting or exciting.
   Example: On a more mundane level, can we talk about the timetable for next week?
* impede := (v)  to delay or stop the progress of something.
   Example: A number of practical difficulties impeded the process.
* infuse := (v)  to make somebody/something have a particular quality.
   Example: Her novels are infused with sadness.

The notoriety you get, when you win a test, is amazing.

If I explain, it becomes mundane.

I do not want to impede that in any way.

They need to infuse employees with confidence.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* roll up our sleeves := to prepare for hard work.
   Example:  Let’s roll up our sleeves,  everyone. There’s a lot of  work for us to  get through today.
* below the belt := very insulting and unfair.
   Example: We might not agree with the government on everything, but insulting officials is below the belt.
* hot under the collar := very angry about something.
   Example: When I rejected my friend’s idea about eating at a fancy restaurant, he got rather hot under the collar.
* tighten your belt := to spend less money than you did before.
   Example: With the economy so bad and thousands of people losing their jobs, we all have to tighten our belts.

we didn't make it today, but we will roll up our sleeves.

He didn't hesitate to hit below the belt to be successful.

He gets hot under the collar if you don't agree with him.

Spend what you can afford, tighten your belt slightly if you have to. 

* Please take a look at lexicons and idioms. Kindly prepare one sentence for each.


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