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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 14 본문


Daily English School - 14

LeoBehindK 2023. 5. 23. 23:42

Sentence Construction:
X I have made plan to invest in the store that sells dog toys with my friends since 2021.  >>  I have made plans to invest in a store that sells dog toys with my friends since 2021.
X In holiday I usually watch Netflix and chill.  >>  On holidays I usually watch Netflix and chill.
X It is the human nature earning the high money.  >> It is human nature to earn a lot of money.
X It is not problem about amount of money. >>  It is not a problem about the amount of money.
X He or she is think about it. >> He or she is thinking about it.
X They are not have economic crises on their lives. >> They do not have economic crises in their lives.
X  The people think the amount of money is same. >> People think the amount of money is the same.
X If I make money I could be think about making more money to get more comfortable life. >> If I earn money, I could think about earning more money to get a more comfortable life.
X I would be think I don’t need to get more money. >>  I would think I don’t need to get more money.
X If I make money to the amount of money I think, I would be stop to making money. >> If I am earning the money that I want, I will stop aiming for more money.
X I was failed. >>  I failed.

Good Sentences:
O My company's production department members were busy.
O Yesterday I had an unscripted presentation to our customers.
O There are some people who do exceptional work in our area.
O Always I do netflix cheating because I can't wait for the new episode of the netflix series.
O If I netflastinate I could not finish my work tonight.
O They just want to make more money.
O  I’m not agree with this opinion 100% but half of them I agree.

* equity /ek-wi-tee/
* paycheque /pey-chek/
* privileged /priv-lijd/
* amid /uh-mid/
* current /kur-uhnt/
* satiate / sey-shee-eyt/
* percentile /per-sen-tahyl/
* reference /ref-ruhns/
* college /kol-ij/
* equate / ih-kweyt/
* indicative /in-dik-uh-tiv/

Build Lexicon:
* satiate := (v) to completely satisfy yourself or a need, especially with food or pleasure, so that you could not have any more.
   Example: He drank greedily until his thirst was satiated.
* indicative := (adj) showing or suggesting something.
   Example: The rise in unemployment is seen as indicative of a new economic recession.
* regress := (v) to return to an earlier or less advanced form or way of behaving; to move backward; go back.
   Example: She suffered brain damage from the car accident and regressed to the mental age of a five-year-old.
* privilege := (n) a special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people has.
   Example: Education should be a universal right and not a privilege.

The dinner was enough to satiate the gourmets 

It is indicative of the cultural mood. 

It's harder to stay calm than to regress.

It was a great privilege to hear her sing. 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* break the bank := means something costs too much money.
   Example: That phone is very expensive. It will break the bank.
* time is money := used to remember you shouldn’t waste time because whenever you do it you are missing the opportunity to earn money.
   Example: Get off the couch, Tom! Time is money!
* a penny saved is a penny earned := an expression that means it is wise to save money.
   Example: You should always put some money aside. My dad always says that a penny saved is a penny earned.
* save for a rainy day  := means to save money for a time when it might be needed.
   Example: Luckily, Will had saved for a rainy day.  


Buying a couple of new clothes won't break the bank.

I just wish people would know that time is money!

The smartest words ever said by anyone: “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

Don't waste your money. Save up for a rainy day. 


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