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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 22 본문


Daily English School - 22

LeoBehindK 2023. 6. 8. 13:00

Sentence Construction:
X It takes about 5 hours bus to get my parents house from my house. >> It takes about 5 hours by bus to get to my parents house from my house.
X I visit my parents house after long time. >>  I visited my parents house after a long time.
X I have a relaxing time. >>  I had a relaxing time.
X When I go to my parents house it is so long time in the bus. >> When I go to my parents house it takes a long time on the bus.
X My parents was so cozy for me. >>  My parents were so cozy with me.
X We had a talk each other so much.  >> We talked to each other so much.
X I have a one brother and one sister. >> I have one brother and one sister.
X My brother going to married with Japanese in Japan.  >> My brother is going to marry a Japanese person in Japan.
X We can see the change in careers. >> We can see changes in the career path of people.
X US designer can earn more money than present career. >> US designers can earn more money than in their present careers.  

Good Sentences:
O I just returned from my parents house.  
O I feel tired again after the bus ride.
O My brother is in Japan for study.
O I have no quip to end this.
O The mushrooms under the tree reap innocuous.
O A crackdown on crime.
O The professor is known as a witty writer.
O You look at them and you see the lights are on but nobody’s home.
O The situation is getting beyond a joke.
O A problem with her is, she can’t take a joke.
O Hold your horses. Let’s do it step by step.
O The article is about the change of the career from traditional path to changeable path.

* instead /in-sted/
* sanction /sangk-shuhn/
* senator /sen-uh-ter/
* decade /duh-keyd/
* instability /in-stuh-bil-i-tee/
* uncertainty /uhn-sur-tn-tee/
* contigency /kuhn-tin-juhn-see/
* fluctuate /fluhk-choo-eyt/
* alternative /awl-tur-nuh-tiv/
* instablity /in-stuh-bil-i-tee/

Build Lexicon:
* contingency := (n) an event that may or may not happen; the fact that events are not certain.
   Example: The contingency of life is part of the human condition.
* pivot := (v)  to change direction; to change the way in which something is done.
   Example:  The company is pivoting towards mobile and away from social media.
* volatile := (adj) likely to change suddenly; easily becoming dangerous.
   Example: Exporting the product was difficult due to a volatile exchange rate.
* endurance := (n) the ability to continue doing something painful or difficult for a long period of time without giving up.
   Example: He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.

It is time for a contingency plan

It is a pivot between a process and a system

This thing is volatile

I underestimated the power of human endurance

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* against the clock := forced to hurry to meet a deadline.
   Example: We’re racing against the clock to finish the ad campaign. We may have to work all night!
* back to the salt mines := it’s time to go back to work.
   Example: Well, our lunch break has now lasted more than an hour. Back to the salt mines!
* you snooze, you lose := if you delay or are not alert, you will miss opportunities.
   Example: Sorry, the stoves that are on sale are already sold out. You snooze, you lose!
* kick the can down the road := postpone an important decision.
   Example: Sure, we can kick the can down the road by making minimum payments on the debt, but wouldn’t it be better to solve the problem now?

I am working against the clock to finish this project by noon.

After two weeks of vacation, staff will be back to the salt mines.

You should have prepared in advance, you snooze, you lose

It is a solution that says let’s kick the can down the road a little bit.


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