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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 23 본문


Daily English School - 23

LeoBehindK 2023. 6. 9. 15:44

Sentence Construction:
X Today I went to a business trip again. >> Today I went on a business trip again.
X Two of them was sink every year. >> Two of them sink every year.
X This city have sink continuously. >> This city has sunk continuously.
X If citizen doesn’t change anything this city would be sink. >> If citizens don't change anything this city would sink.
X Citizen should be move other city. >> Citizens should move to another city.
X Some lost their house and some people would lost their job for work. >> They will lose their houses and some people will lose their jobs.
X We can have good viewpoint. >> We can have a good viewpoint.
X We lose the beautiful natural scene. >>  We will lose the beautiful natural scenery.
X If no skyscrapers we can see beautiful mountains. >>  If there are no skyscrapers we can see beautiful mountains.
X City has so many convenience things. >> City has so many conveniences.

Good Sentences:
O I went to the park with my dog for a walk.
O I worried that it might cause health problems.
O It is time for our contingency plan.
O It is a pivot between a process and a system.
O This thing is volatile.
O I underestimated the power of human endurance.
O I’m working against the clock to finish this project by noon.
O After two weeks of vacation, staff will be back to the salt mines.
O You should have prepared in advance. You snooze, you lose.
O It is a solution that says let’s kick the can down the road a little bit.

* skyscraper /skahy-skrey-per/
* geophysics /jee-oh-fiz-iks/
* infrastructure /in-fruh-struhk-cher/
* inhabitant /in-hab-i-tuhnt/
* subsidence /suhb-sahy-dns/
* prone /prohn/
* coastal /kohs-tl/
* scratch /skrach/
* emblematic /em-bluh-mat-ik/

Build Lexicon:
* prone := (adj) likely to suffer from something or to do something bad.
   Example: Working without a break makes you more prone to error.
* emblematic := (adj) that represents or is a symbol of something.
   Example: According to this interpretation, the most truly emblematic figure of the new Europe was Pope John Paul II.
* migrate := (v) (of a lot of people) to move from one town, country, etc. to go and live and/or work in another.
   Example: Thousands were forced to migrate from rural to urban areas in search of work.
* gradual := (adj) happening slowly over a long period; not sudden.
   Example: Recovery from the disease is very gradual.

Man is prone to error

The dove is emblematic of peace

Birds migrate to the south for their food

City development is gradual

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* cut and dried := means evident, understandable, and uncomplicated.
   Example: When Maggie arrived at the central office, she didn’t find the situation as cut and dried as she had expected.
* middle of nowhere := used to describe a place that is very remote, far from any city or town.
   Example: The campsite was in the middle of nowhere so I couldn’t phone you.
* to go to town := to spend one’s money recklessly.
   Example: The Howards have really gone to town on a house for their daughter.
* in queer street := in financial trouble, in debt.
   Example: If we go on spending money like this, we shall soon be in queer street.

The movie was cut and dried

I got lost in the middle of nowhere

When they give parties, they really go to town.

I bought a new car last month, so I am in Queer Street now.


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