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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 65 본문


Daily English School - 65

LeoBehindK 2023. 8. 16. 23:44

Sentence Construction:
X Even in the evening, when I take my dog for a walk it doesn’t seemed to get tired. >> Even in the evening, when I take my dog for a walk it doesn’t seem to get tired.
X Don’t stab your love ones in the back.  >> Don’t stab your loved ones in the back.
X They felt that their company doesn’t seems like match their values. >> They felt that their company doesn’t seem to match their values.
X Some companies have toxic boss. >>  Some companies have toxic bosses.
X All of these kind of things makes people to quit easily.  >>  All of these kinds of things make people quit easily.
X I tried to search other jobs at that time. >>  I tried to search for other jobs at that time.
X At that time, I has no family. >> At that time, I had no family.

Good Sentences:
O They intend to sue for damages.
O Thank you for having been a subscriber.
O You have no right to criticize me.
O His intent was to destroy my reputation.
O I didn’t expect a double-cross.
O Do not sell your friends down the river.
O This article is about the phenomenon for some workers who easily quit their jobs.
O These days, many people have their own priorities.
O All of these things make people quit easily.

* treacherous /trech-er-uhs/
* raises /reyz-es/
* incident /in-si-duhnt/
* competitor /kuhm-pet-i-ter/
* miami /mahy-am-ee/
* courage /kur-ij/
* labor /ley-ber/
* resignation /rez-ig-ney-shuhn/
* fickle /fik-uhl/
* bureau /byoor-oh/
* statistic /stuh-tis-tik/
* dissatisfaction /dis-sat-is-fak-shuhn/

Build Lexicon:
* outburst := (n) a sudden strong expression of an emotion.
   Example: She was alarmed by his violent outburst.
* ditch := (v) get rid of or give up.
   Example: The plans for the road were ditched following a public inquiry.
* fickle := (adj) changing often and suddenly.
   Example: The weather here is notoriously fickle.
* expendable := (adj) ​if you consider people or things to be expendable, you think that you can get rid of them when they are no longer needed, or think it is acceptable if they are killed or destroyed.
   Example: It is a sad moment when you realize you are expendable in your job.

He apologized for his outburst. 

How can you ditch me like that? 

The weather has been fickle lately. 

His function really is to be expendable. 

Discover Idioms  & Expressions:
* get the pink slip := to lose one's job because there is not enough work or to be laid off.
   Example: Thousands of factory workers have gotten the pink slip in recent months.
* put out to pasture := to force (someone) to leave a job because of old age.
   Example:  They've put John out to pasture and replaced him with someone who's got half his experience.
* hang up your boots := to retire.
   Example: I want a few triumphs and medals to reflect on when I eventually hang up my boots.
* sever ties := to end a connection with someone or something.
   Example:  When he found out what she had done, he chose to sever the ties between them.

He got pink-slipped again at his new job. 

Coach put him out to pasture. 

when I stop enjoying my work, that'll be the time to hang up my boots.

However, the companies did not sever their ties. 


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