Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 113 본문


Daily English School - 113

LeoBehindK 2023. 11. 23. 09:59

Date: 11/22/2023
Student: Dawoon
Topic: 14 Kids Who Have Spine-Chilling Memories From the Past
Sentence Construction:
X I reserve some tour watch the sea turtle and whale shark.>> I reserved some tours to watch the sea turtle and whale shark.
X Guide said me.>> The guide said,we can’t touch the whale shark.
X They sold it drink.>> They sold it as drinks.
*sunblocks [suhn·blaaks]
* reserved [ruh·zurvd]
Build Lexicon:
*Spine-chilling (adj.) inspiring terror or terrified excitement.
        Example:= A spine-chilling silence.
*Famine:= (n.)extreme scarcity of food.
        Example:= Drought could result in famine throughout the region.
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* The olden days:= in the past
        Example:= In the olden days the girls were married young.
*Heaved a deep sigh:= to suddenly feel very happy because something unpleasant has not happened or has ended.
        Example:= We both heaved a sigh of relief when she left.
* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and share them in class.
* Study for the next article. High school dropout vlogs become more popular


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