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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 151 본문


Daily English School - 151

LeoBehindK 2024. 3. 12. 17:58

Date: 03/11/2024
Student: Dawoon Kim
Topic: Topic: Botanical Gardens May Cool City Air by 5 Degrees
Sentence Construction:
X The last topic is New Drone Will Help Us Understand Antarctica. >> The last topic that we had was New Drone Will Help Us Understand Antarctica.
X In front of my house there is a little mountain.
X Its looks like hills. >> It looks like a hill.
X When I was young, I went to the National Museums and then I saw some fossils in there. >> When I was young, I used to go to the National Museums to see some fossils.
X 5 degree Celcius. >> Botanical gardens could reduce air temperatures in the streets around them by an average of 5 degrees Celsius.
X Green walls is the walls are covered with plants. >> Green walls are the walls that are covered with plants.
X Global warming is a big problem all over the world. >> Global warming is a big problem that people face all over the world.
* thirtieth /thur-tee-ith/
* most /mohst/
* climate /klahy-mit/
* hoped /howpt/
* fossil /fos-uhl/
* organism /awr-guh-niz-uhm/
* loaded /loh-did/
* effort /ef-ert/

Build Lexicon:
* botanical :=  (adj.) relating to plants or plant science (botany).
Example: She spent her days studying the botanical diversity of the rainforest, documenting new species and their uses.
* sistine := (adj.)  pertaining to or associated with Pope Sixtus IV or the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, famously known for its Renaissance art, including Michelangelo's ceiling and Last Judgment.
Example: The Sistine Chapel is renowned for its breathtaking frescoes, including the ceiling painted by Michelangelo.
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* bloom where you're planted := this expression encourages making the best of one's situation, regardless of the circumstances.
Example: Even though she missed her hometown, Jane decided to bloom where she was planted, making new friends and exploring the city around the botanical garden.
* a rose by any other name := this saying, derived from Shakespeare, suggests that the names of things do not affect what they really are.
Example: Although they called the new section of the botanical garden a "floral display area," everyone else knew it was just a rose garden—a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and share them in class.
* Our next topic, A Look at Gender Bias in Society https://www.thoughtco.com/gender-bias-4140418


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