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Understanding Data Engineering 본문


Understanding Data Engineering

LeoBehindK 2024. 3. 17. 14:50

Data Workflow

Data Collection & Storage → Data Preparation → Exploration & Visualization → Experimentation & Prediction

Data engineer는 Data Collection & Storage와 연관되어 있다.

Data Engineer는

  • the correct data
  • in the right form
  • to the right people
  • as efficiently as possible

A data engineer’s responsibilities

  • Ingest data from different sources
  • Optimize databases for analysis
  • Remove corrupted data
  • Develop, construct, test, and maintain data architectures

Data engineers vs. Data Scientists

Data Engineer / Data Scientist

Ingest and store data Exploit data
Set up databases Access databases
Build data pipelines Use Pipeline outputs
Strong software skills Strong analytical skills

The data pipeline

여러가지 디바이스에서 데이터를 추출하고, Data basis를 생성 [Category 별로 ~]

이렇게 Category별로 데이터를 정리하는 과정을 pipeline이라고 한다.

Automate / Reduce

Extracting Human Intervention
Transforming Errors
Combining The time it takes data to flow

ETL and data pipelines

ETL Data / pipelines

A popular framework for designing data pipelines Move data from one system to another
1) Extract data May follow ETL
2) Transform extract data Data may not be transformed
3) Load transformed data to another database Data may be directly loaded in applications

Data Structures

Structured data

  • Stored in relational databases

Semi-structured data

  • Can be grouped, but needs more work
  • JSON, XML, YAML ….

Unstructured data

  • Does not follow a model, can’t be contained in rows and columns
  • Text, sound, pictures or videos…
  • Can be extremely valuable

SQL databases

  • Structured Query Language
  • RDBMS(Relational Database Management System)

This is Relational Database

SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle SQL, SQL Server

Data warehouses and data lakes

Data lake /  Data warehouse

Store all the raw data Specific data for specific use
Can be petabytes Relatively small
Stores all data structures Stores mainly structured data
Cost-effective More costly to update
Difficult to analyze Optimized for data analysis
Requires an up-to-date data catalog Also used by data analysts and business analysts
Used by data scientists Ad-hoc, read-only queries
Big data, real-time analytics  

Processing data

Data processing: Converting raw data into meaningful information

Conceptually / At Spotflix

Remove unwanted data No long-term need for testing feature data
Optimize memory, process, and network costs Can’t afford to store and stream files this big
convert data from one type to another Convert songs from .flac to .ogg
Organize data Reorganize data from the data lake to data warehouses
To fit into a schema/structure Employee table example
Increase productivity Enable data scientists


헷갈리는 부분이 있음

Scheduling data

Batches and Streams

Batches / Streams

Group records at intervals Send individual records right away
Often cheaper New users signing in
Songs uploaded by artists Another example: online vs. offline listening
Employee table  
revenue table  

Parallel computing

  • Split tasks up into several smaller subtasks
  • Distribute these subtasks over several computers

Benefits / Risks

Extra processing power Moving data incurs a cost
Reduced memory footprint Communication time

Cloud computing

Servers on premises /  Servers on the cloud

Bought Rented
Need space Don’t need space
Electrical and maintenance cost Use just the resources we need
Enough power for peak moments When we need them
Processing power unused at quieter times The closer to the user the better


Pros/  Cons

Reducing reliance on a single vendor Cloud providers try to lock in consumers
Cost-efficiencies Incompatibility
Local laws requiring certain data to be physically present within the country Security and governance
Mitigating against disasters  

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