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Daily English School - 188 본문


Daily English School - 188

LeoBehindK 2024. 5. 17. 21:21

Date: 05/17/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: Seoul Announces Rent Subsidy for New Parents


Seoul Announces Rent Subsidy for New Parents | Engoo Daily News

The city of Seoul has announced plans to help new parents with the cost of renting homes in the South Korean capital.


Sentence Construction:

X After this class, I go home. >>  After this class, I will go home.

X Last topic is... >> The last topic was...

X Many companies in Korea have suffered financial strains. >> Many companies in Korea have suffered financial strains.

X  I think it is not effective law. >>  I think that law will not be effective.  

X My dream is 3 children. >> I wish I could have 3 children in the future.

X ...not only house price but also the price of groceries and transportation fees. >> ...not only the house price but also the price of groceries and transportation fees.

X Every politician want to support Seoul only. >> Every politician wants to support Seoul only.

X Japan is more cheap. >> It's cheaper in Japan.

* deprived /dih-prahyvd/
* law /law/
* government /guhv-ern-muhnt, ‑er-muhnt/
* families /fam-uh-leez, fam-leez/
* according /uh-kawr-ding/
* support /suh-pawrt/

Build Lexicon:

* residents := (n.) residents are people who live in a particular place or area.

   Example: The residents of the apartment complex held a meeting to discuss the new parking policy.

* rentals := (n.) rentals refer to the act of renting something (like property or equipment) or the items that are rented.

   Example: The beach town had several rentals available for tourists looking for a place to stay during the summer.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* make ends meet := to have just enough money to pay for the things you need.

   Example: The rent subsidy aims to help new parents make ends meet, especially when they are adjusting to the added expenses of having a baby.

* a leg up := assistance or help that gives someone an advantage.

   Example: The rent subsidy program in Seoul is designed to give new parents a leg up in managing their finances during a crucial time in their lives.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.


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