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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 231 본문


Daily English School - 231

LeoBehindK 2024. 8. 23. 07:19

Date: 08/22/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: How your phone can detect earthquakes”,


How your phone can detect earthquakes

Fifty years since the first mobile phone call, the technology we carry around in our pocket is helping to create the world's biggest earthquake detection system.


Sentence Construction:

X I have a interview. >> I have an interview.

X They will support the fee of the graduate student. >>  They will cover the tuition fees for the graduate students.

X Before constructing buildings, workers should install some panels around the site. >> Before constructing buildings, workers should set up protective panels around the site.

X When I broke my legs, the doctor took a picture with x-rays about my leg. >> When I broke my leg, the doctor took an X-ray of it.

X Leading the charge in something has risks but if you success about that, you can get a lot of money. >> Leading the charge in something carries risks, but if you succeed, it can be highly profitable.

X When I was a highschool student, I had studied many subject everyday. At that time I was sad because I couldn't see my finish line of my studying line. But actually I passed the entrance test of the University and the day when I got a certificate of high school was like the day of light at the end of the tunnel. >> When I was in high school, I studied many subjects every day. I felt sad because I couldn’t see the finish line in sight. However, I eventually passed the university entrance exam, and receiving my high school diploma was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

X One of that is… >> One of those is…

* hope /hohp/
* flood /fluhd/
* panel /pan-l/
* ray /rey/
* magnitude /mag-ni-tood, -tyood/
* tremor /trem-er, tree-mer/
* crucial /kroo-shuhl/
*earthquake /urth-kweyk/

Build Lexicon:

* rattle := (v.) to make a series of short, sharp noises by shaking or hitting something repeatedly. (n.) A rapid succession of short, sharp noises.

Example: (v.) The loud noise from the construction site rattled the windows.

Example: (n.) The rattle of the train wheels was comforting to the passengers.

* tremors := (n.) small shaking or vibrations, often caused by an earthquake or other disturbances.

Example: The tremors from the earthquake could be felt miles away from the epicenter.

* seismometer := (n.) an instrument used to detect and record the vibrations of the Earth's surface, often used to measure earthquakes.

Example: The seismometer recorded a significant increase in activity before the earthquake struck.

* elusive := (adj.) difficult to find, catch, or achieve; hard to grasp or comprehend.

Example: The elusive goal of perfecting the formula has kept scientists busy for years.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* in the nick of time := just in time to prevent something bad from happening.

Example: The earthquake alert came in the nick of time, giving us a crucial few seconds to take cover.

* a blessing in disguise := something that seems bad or unlucky at first but results in something good.

Example: The earthquake detection feature in phones might seem like an unnecessary addition, but it’s a blessing in disguise when it helps us prepare for a quake.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic, Scientists fear people will fall in love with AI voices


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