Date: 12/20/2024
Student: Dawoon Kim
Topic: Free Talking
Sentence Construction:
X Traffic is not good. >> The traffic is bad.
X He name was Jangjes. >> His name was Jangjes.
X He named country the republic of China. >> He named the country the Republic of China.
X Both of them have similaritiy. >> Both of those countries have similarities.
X There was a lot of fossils. >> There were a lot of fossils.
X In some seasoning smells not good for me. >> Some seasonings don't smell good to me.
X It was different perfectly. >> It was completely different.
X In Taiwan, there was no free side dishes. >> In Taiwan, there were no free side dishes.
X I need to have free time to 20 days. >> I need to have 20 days of free time.
X Normally it will takes only 50 minutes. >> Normally, it takes only 50 minutes.
* vegetable /vej-tuh-buhl, vej-i-tuh-/
* luggage /luhg-ij/
* airline /air-lahyn/
* sovereign /sov-rin, sov-er-in, suhv-/
* independence /n-di-pen-duhns/
* stability /tuh-bil-i-tee/
* economic /ek-uh-nom-ik, ee-kuh-/
* assessment /uh-ses-muhnt/
* breathe /breeth/
* challenge /chal-inj/
* turmoil /tur-moil/
* noise /noiz/
Build Lexicon:
* Viral := (adj.) Spread quickly and widely, often through social media.
Example: The mayonnaise drink went viral on social media after its release.
* Niche := (adj.) Relating to a specialized segment of the market.
Example: Nomu Mayo is a product aimed at a very niche demographic of mayonnaise lovers.
* Bold := (adj.) Showing courage, willingness to take risks, or being unconventional.
Example: The drink is described as a bold product because it breaks from traditional beverage ideas.
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* A long-awaited product := Something that people have been eagerly anticipating for a long time.
Example: Nomu Mayo is described as a long-awaited product for mayonnaise lovers.
* Get mixed reviews := To receive both positive and negative feedback.
Example: The drink has gone viral on social media and has very mixed reviews.
* Drop in the bucket := A small amount compared to the whole.
Example: ¥198 for 200 ml is considered a drop in the bucket for Lawson’s overall sales.
* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
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