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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 298 본문


Daily English School - 298

LeoBehindK 2025. 1. 14. 23:15

Date: 01/13/2025
Student: Dawoon Kim
Topic: A Taste of Calm on the Car-Free Island of Hydra

Sentence Construction:
X I have many tasks to do still. >> I have to do my tasks in Finland as well.
X If I don't go to the airport before 3 hours, I could be late. >> If I don't arrive at the airport 3 hours before my flight, I could be late.
X I have to do my tasks in Finland also. >> I have to do my tasks in Finland as well.
X It might takes 9 hours. >> It might take 9 hours.X I have to finish my some tasks. >> I have to finish some of my tasks.
X from January fourteenth to January twenty twoth. >> From January 14th to January 22nd.
X There's no restaurant to the place I will go to. >> There’s no restaurant at the place I’m going to.
X At the Mexico city my luggage, it can be lost when your luggage transferred to other plane. >> In Mexico City, my luggage could be lost when it's transferred to another plane.
X In Mexico City, my luggage could be lost when it's transferred to another plane. >> In Mexico City, my luggage could be lost when it's transferred to another plane.
X Before lost my camera. >> Before I lost my camera.
X The curriculum is one of the important aspect when you choose the University you will go to. >> The curriculum is one of the important aspects when choosing the university you will attend.
X Before submitting final report, I submit interim report to check. >> Before submitting the final report, I submitted an interim report for review.
X The government try to play down the impact of economic crisis in Korea. >> The government tried to play down the impact of the economic crisis in Korea.
X Everytime I bring my mask. >> Every time, I bring my mask.
X People say that they feel anxiety… >> People say that they feel anxiety when they face uncertain situations.

* luggage /luhg-ij/
* curriculum /kuh-rik-yuh-luhm/
* institution /in-sti-too-shuhn, -tyoo-/
* focus /foh-kuhs/
* amendment /uh-mend-muhnt/
* established /ih-stab-lisht/
* overthrow /oh-ver-throh/
* regime /ruh-zheem/
* outrage /out-reyj/
* cough /kawf, kof/

Build Lexicon:
* Characteristic := (n.) A feature or quality that makes something recognizable or unique.
Example: One characteristic of Hydra is that it has no cars or scooters.
* Steep := (adj.) Having a sharp slope or incline.
Example: The streets of Hydra Town are very steep, making it difficult for cars to navigate.
* Mode := (n.) A particular way of doing something or a method of transportation.
Example: Boats are the main mode of transportation for getting around Hydra.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* A breath of fresh air := Something new and refreshing that is greatly welcomed.
Example: Visiting Hydra was a breath of fresh air after spending time in busy cities.

Off the beaten path := A place that is not well known or frequently visited.
Example: Hydra is an island that feels off the beaten path, away from the usual tourist spots.
Rise to fame := To become well-known or popular.
Example: The island of Hydra rose to fame after artists and writers began visiting it.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic, A single cigarette slashes 20 minutes off your life expectancy, UK research suggests


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