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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 26 본문


Daily English School - 26

LeoBehindK 2023. 6. 16. 21:23

Sentence Construction:
X I’ve been busy lately so I didn’t read English books these days.  >> I’ve been busy lately so I haven't read English books these days.
X The messages are include such as cigarette cause cancer and tobacco is harmful for children. >> The warning includes health warnings.
X They makes some graphic pictures how smoke is harmful for people. >> They make some graphic pictures of how smoke is harmful for people.
X They makes some act for putting graphic on the cigarette label. >>  They make some acts of putting graphics on the cigarette label.
X We have already policy like that. >> We already have a policy like that.
X The picture describes how smoking makes people to death. >> The picture describes how smoking causes peoples’ death.  
X I don’t have any bad feel to smoker. >>  I don’t have any bad feelings towards smokers.
X Smoking is one of habit. >>  Smoking is a habit.
X Any person have right to smoking. >> Any person has the right to smoke.

Good Sentences:
O The reason is that the weekend is  approaching.
O Lately I’ve been having early mornings at work.
O I’ve been lacking sleep.
O What she did was a manifest mistake.
O The group does not advocate the use of violence.
O They are anxious for her safety.
O The teacher has the authority to administer punishment.
O I’m feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. I think I am at the breaking point.
O You seem stressed out. I can tell you have a lot on your plate.
O Be careful not to run yourself into the ground by taking on too much work.
O After weeks of stress and pressure she finally came apart at the seams and had a breakdown.
O This article is about Canada’s government policy.
O It is about the label on the cigarette packages.

* questionnaire /kwes-chuh-nair/
* exhausted /ig-zaws-tid/
* label /ley-buhl/
* virtually /vur-choo-uh-lee/
* unveil /uhn-veyl/
* consequence /kon-si-kwens/
* preventable /pruh-ven-tuh-bl/
* cause /kawz/

Build Lexicon:
* unveil := (v)   to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time.
   Example: They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show.
* deter := (v) to make somebody decide not to do something or continue doing something, especially by making them understand the difficulties and unpleasant results of their actions.
   Example: The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.
* bold := (adj) (of people or behavior) brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take risks.
   Example: It was a bold move on their part to open a business in France.
* puff := (v)  to be smoking a cigarette, pipe, etc.
   Example: She puffed furiously at her cigarette.

From what I heard, he's going to unveil at Friday's meeting.

Nothing can deter me from my determination.

It is time to take bold action. 

Don't puff smoke in my face.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* blow smoke := to give misleading or exaggerated information, or say things that are not true in order to make yourself or something you are involved with seem better than it is.
   Example: He said he thought we were the best language school he’d ever been to but I think he was just blowing smoke.
* smoke like a chimney := to smoke tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, etc.) heavily.
   Example: My brother has smoked like a chimney all his life but the doctors told he has to give up for the sake of his health.
* there is no smoke without fire := there is usually some truth behind every rumor or if something appears to be wrong then it probably is wrong.
   Example: You can’t win! Even if you are proven innocent, they will always look at you with suspicion as people always believe there is no smoke without fire.
* smoke and mirrors := something said or done in order to deceive or confuse.
   Example: His resume looked good and his presentation certainly sounded convincing but there was something about him that led me to believe it was all just smoke and mirrors.


Hey, don't blow smoke on me.

It is bad for the health to smoke like a chimney. 

They say there is no smoke without fire but I know that's not true in this case.

But this is all smoke and mirrors. 




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