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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 27 본문


Daily English School - 27

LeoBehindK 2023. 6. 20. 06:08

Sentence Construction:
X It is bad for the health to smoke like a chimney.  >> It is bad for your health to smoke like a chimney.
X This article is about cheese rolling race in the UK. >>  This article is about the cheese rolling race in the UK.
X The cheese is 3 or 4 kg and when it roll down the hill its speed is over 100 kilometers per hour. >> The cheese weighs 3 or 4 kg and when it rolls down the hill its speed is over 100 kilometers per hour.
X The man said there is no train in this sport. >> The man said there is no training in this sport. / The man said there is no training or preparation in this kind of sport.
X Maybe I tried to participate this kind of sport because it is cultural sport. >> Maybe I will try to participate in this kind of sport because it is a cultural sport.
X I could get some bond with this people. >> I could form some bonds with these people.
X I flied the sky and my bike still on the ground. >> I flew in the sky and my bike was still on the ground.

Good Sentences:
O I had to work overtime last Friday.  
O After work, I went for a walk with my dog.
O From what I heard, he's going to unveil at Friday’s meeting.
O Nothing can deter me from my determination.
O It is time to take bold action.
O Don’t puff smoke in my face.
O Hey! Don’t blow smoke on me.
O They say there is no smoke without fire but I know it is not true in this case.
O But this is all smoke and mirrors.
O In this sport, people roll a cheese in front of them and then they run behind the cheese.
O In Spain, they have a cultural sport.

* walk /wawk/
* work /wurk/
* suspicion /suh-spish-uhn/
* cheese /cheez/
* rolling /roh-ling/
* race /reys/
* record /rek-erd/
* competitors /kuhm-pet-i-ters/
* contestant /kuhn-tes-tuhnt/
* unconscious /uhn-kon-shuhs/

Build Lexicon:
* race := (n) a competition between people, animals, vehicles, etc. to see which one is the faster or fastest.
   Example: Shall we have a race to the end of the beach?
* knock := (v) to hit into someone or something with force; to cause to move or fall by hitting into or striking.
   Example: He knocked three times and waited.
* idiot := (n) an unintelligent person.
   Example: When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot.
* unconscious := (adj) not awake and aware of one's environment or surroundings.
   Example: They found him lying unconscious on the floor.

That car is the winner of the 2020 tokyo race

A petite guy in a boxing match knocks out this big guy

When i was young i used to do an idiot

There are reported accidents that cause bird strikes to the window. These birds were unconscious.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* steal someone's thunder := we use this phrase when one person does something that takes positive attention  away from someone who should be getting that positive attention.
   Example: Jade really stole Alexa's thunder when she announced that she's pregnant at Alexa's birthday party.
* no pain, no gain := means that you must suffer to succeed, that nothing good comes without hard work.
   Example: Training for a marathon was the hardest thing I ever did, but as they say, no pain, no gain! Crossing the finish line made all the pain and suffering worth it!
* ball in your court := to tell someone that it is their turn to take action, that it is their responsibility to take the next step.
   Example: They made me a job offer. I'm still thinking about it. I guess the ball is in my court to make a counter-offer.
* toot your own horn := another way to say brag or boast.
   Example: I normally wouldn't brag about my cooking because I'm not very good at it, but I'm going to toot my own horn because this cake I just made is so delicious!

My boss stole my thunder when i told him that i finished my tasks finally

Study harder no pain no gain

As far as i am concerned the ball is in your court

You didnt want to toot your own horn


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