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Leo's Garage

Daily School English - 35 본문


Daily School English - 35

LeoBehindK 2023. 6. 30. 07:40

Sentence Construction:
X Some cities flood and some people died. >>  Some cities had floods and some people died.
X I finally get to chance to speak English Singapore. >> I will finally get a chance to speak English in Singapore.
X I was excited and I look forward it. >> I am excited and I look forward to it.
X  The child lacks ability to perceive objects.  >>  The child lacks the ability to perceive objects.
X They had an eye for the talent.  >> They had an eye for talent.
X The movement of some companies which is hire refugees.  >> The movement of some companies which hire refugees.
X Some companies makes job for refugees.  >> Some companies make jobs for refugees.
X Refugees can give them creative idea. >>  Refugees can give them creative ideas.
X Some of them I can understand why they said about that. >> Some of them I can understand why they said that.

Good Sentences:
O It’s been raining for a few days.  
O She is particularly susceptible to cold.
O Internet fraud is becoming more and more sophisticated.
O We couldn’t tell whether he was friend or foe.
O Once again the government cannot see beyond their tunnel vision.
O I think he just needs to take himself out of the public eye.
O I kept my eyes peeled for finding good products at the used products store.
O There are so many refugees all around the world.
O In our country, so many people said refugees should be out in our country.

* refugee /ref-yoo-jee/
* amazon /am-zuhn/
* deputy /dep-yuh-tee/
* commissioner /kuh-mish-uh-ner/
* protection /pruh-tek-shuhn/
* Ukraine /yoo-kreyn/
* diversity /dahy-vur-si-tee/

Build Lexicon:
* commitment := (n)  a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way; a promise to support somebody/something; the fact of committing yourself.
   Example: He questioned the government's commitment to public services.
* essential := (adj) completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity.
   Example: Vitamins play an essential role in many body processes.
* displace  := (v) to take the place of somebody/something.
   Example: Gradually factory workers have been displaced by machines.
* corporation := (n) a large business company.
   Example: Directors of a corporation are trustees for the stockholders.

I can't make any definite commitment. 

Experience is essential for this job.

It is also almost impossible to displace him. 

This company is a multinational corporation. 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* a long shot := it means something unlikely to happen. With very little chance of success.
   Example: Getting a senior position in the corporation one day is a long shot, but if you don’t try you’ll never find out if it’s possible.
* hands are tied := when you are unable to carry out any meaningful action because of regulations, rules or other people with authority.
   Example: I wish I could help you cut through all this red tape but my hands are tied. My boss won’t let me.
* up in the air := when things are highly uncertain when a decision has not been made yet.
   Example: We were hoping to sign the contract by the end of the month, but there are still too many things up in the air we need to deal with first.
* a learning curve := means that one has to learn things quickly to meet the requirements of a specific job.
   Example: There was a learning curve when I started out trading stock options, but I now feel like I’m finally getting the hang of it.

The team was a long shot to win the final game. 

My hands are tied now.

His plan is up in the air. 

I guess there's a learning curve with this stuff.


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