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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 34 본문


Daily English School - 34

LeoBehindK 2023. 6. 28. 00:04

Sentence Construction:
X In Korea, the rainy season has official started. >>  In Korea, the rainy season has officially started.
X When I walk home after work, my whole body got drenched in sweat. >>  When I walk home after work, my whole body gets drenched in sweat.
X You should go Dutch when you were with your friends.  >>  You should go Dutch when you are with your friends.
X This theory said human can find a object which like human face easily. >> This theory said humans can find an object which is like a human face easily.
X They try to show this images to children and monkey. >>  They try to show these images to children and monkeys.
X Nowadays, AI used visual images to get ability to understand real images. >> Nowadays, AI uses visual images to get the ability to understand real images.

Good Sentences:
O Today I didn’t go for a walk with my pet.
O She didn’t want to go outside.
O Nobody was seriously injured in the scuffle.
O You signed off on the injunction.
O The police restored the falls to disperse the mop.
O The problem of traffic congestion in Seoul is terrible.
O Is it true that the gender binary is scientific theory?
O I figured the more the merrier.
O Come on get into the holiday spirit of things!
O This article is about the face detection system in human and human-like animals.
O This theory is about the face detection system of humans.
O They investigated the result.

* pareidolia /pair-ahy-doh-lee-uh/
* categorize /kat-i-guh-rahyz/
* illusion /ih-loo-zhuhn/
* image /im-ij/
* visual /vizh-oo-uhl/
* scramble /skram-buhl/

Build Lexicon:
* susceptible := (adj) very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by something.
   Example: Some of these plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others.
* perceive := (v) to understand or think of somebody/something in a particular way.
   Example:  This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.
* sophisticated := (adj) (of a machine, system, etc.) clever and complicated in the way that it works or is presented.
   Example: Medical techniques are becoming more sophisticated all the time.
* foe := (n) an enemy.
   Example: She was unsure as yet whether he was friend or foe.

She is particularly susceptible to cold

The child lacks the ability to perceive objects

Internet fraud is getting more and more sophisticated

we couldn’t tell whether he was friend or foe
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* tunnel vision := a  tendency, habit, or conscious decision to only focus one's energy or attention on a single particular thing or aspect.
   Example: Tom tends to get tunnel vision when he starts working on a new project, so I wouldn't be surprised if we don't hear from him for a while.
* have/has an eye for something := to be good at noticing and appreciating something.
   Example: My aunt has an eye for home decoration and always finds beautiful paintings and antiques at the flea market.
* out of the public eye := to not be seen or known by many people in a community.
   Example: Although politicians are always in the news, most try to keep their children out of the public eye as much as possible.
* keep one’s eyes peeled for something := to watch carefully to see something.
   Example: Let's keep our eyes peeled for the bus so we can be the first ones on and get good seats.

Once again thr government cannot see beyond their tunnel vision

They had an eye for the talent

I think he just needed to take himself out of the public eye

I kept my eyes peeled for finding good products at the used products store


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