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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 53 본문


Daily English School - 53

LeoBehindK 2023. 7. 26. 23:49

Sentence Construction:
X This island is belong to France. >> This island belongs to France.
X He met some storm and the storm made his boat broken. >>  He encountered a storm and the storm made his boat broken.
X Someone went to the Amazon forest and she lost her way in the middle of Amazon forest. >> Someone went to the Amazon forest and she lost her way in the middle of the Amazon forest.
X She have lived in by three months in the Amazon. >> She has lived in the Amazon for three months.
X She did not have any foods or clothes but she try to catch fishes. >>  She did not have any food or clothes but she tried to catch fish.
X It was so scared. >> It was so scary. / It was so frightening.
X If I were him I could not any survive. >>  If I were him I could not survive.
X We cannot see anything easily so we must know that how can I make fire by myself. >>  We cannot see anything easily so we must know how to make fire by ourselves.
X The way to making sign for seekers. >> The way to make signs for seekers.

Good Sentences:
O The weather was a bit strange.  
O Many other people on the street might haven’t gotten wet.
O It takes a full minute to descend.
O Nothing to add and nothing to abate.
O We have the economic leverage to end this conflict.
O The population increased in the subsequent years.
O It is too late to get cold feet.
O You didn’t lose your cool and that's matter.
O I got a very frosty reception.
O He is as cool as a cucumber.
O He had some plan to go to the island.
O Some fish ships found them.  
O They gave him and his dog food and medicine.
O  I don’t know how to catch fishes.

* descend /dih-send/
* severe /suh-veer/
* exert /ig-zurt/
* leverage /lev-er-ij/
* irritating /ir-i-tey-ting/
* pacific /puh-sif-ik/
* damage /dam-ij/
* rescued /res-kyood/
* captained /kap-tuhnd/
* resident /rez-i-duhnt/
* ordeal /awr-deel/
* visible /viz-uh-buhl/
* sail /seyl/

Build Lexicon:
* ordeal := (n) a very difficult, unpleasant experience.
   Example: In her book, she describes the dreadful ordeal of being caught in an avalanche on Mount Everest.
* broadcast := (n) a program shown or played on television or radio.
   Example: We couldn't get tickets to the game, so we decided to watch a live broadcast of it at the pub instead.
* attention := (n) the action of dealing with or taking care of someone or something.
   Example: This problem requires our immediate attention.
* supply := (n) an amount of something available for use.
   Example: Supplies such as gasoline, oil, milk and sugar were rationed during the war.

It was the worst ordeal of my life. 

They broadcast some programs about global warming. 

Pay close attention and watch what I do. 

His supply store is small. 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* dog-tired := very tired.  
   Example: She's said all nurses are dog-tired by the end of the day. It really is a tough job.
* dog-eat-dog := when  a situation is dog-eat-dog, it's very competitive in a cruel and selfish way.
   Example: Working on Wall Street is dog-eat-dog.
* work like a dog := to work very hard.
   Example: She worked like a dog all day to finish the report before the deadline.
* let sleeping dogs lie := you let sleeping dogs lie when you choose to not talk about things which have caused problems in the past. It's also used to not try to change a situation because it might cause problems.
   Example: He never talks about his ex-wife and we never ask about her, it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.

Yes, true I was dog tired and careless. 

It s dog eat dog out there. 

You work like a dog, but to no avail. 

We decided to let sleeping dogs lie. 


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