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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 51 본문


Daily English School - 51

LeoBehindK 2023. 7. 25. 09:15

Sentence Construction:
X One of my team members is suspected to having covid-19. >> One of my team members is suspected of having covid-19.
X Normally, I wake up 6:10 AM for taking bus. >> Normally, I wake up at 6:10 AM to take the bus.
X It is universal story.  >>  It is a universal story.
X It is smaller than by a sea salt.  >> It is smaller than sea salt.
X It is sold by high price and it is made by high technology. >>  It is sold at a high price and it is made with high technology.
X It is not use as a bag it’s just a jewelry. >>It is not used as a bag, it's just jewelry.
X It is just a art. >>  It is just an art.
X They just want to show everyone how much the techniques high. >> They just want to show everyone how much the techniques are high.. They just want to show off their skills and innovation on engineering.
X I want to creative. >> I want to be creative.

Good Sentences:
O Everyone in the team is going to work at home. >  
O He has a tendency of spreading rumors.
O It took a long time to go to immigration.
O I am really grateful to all of you.
O As an armchair critic he often critics movies.
O She couldn't resist being a busybody constantly meddling in other peoples’ affairs.
O My friend is such a cheapskate, always looking for the cheapest deal and refusing to spend money on anything.
O Sarah is always the goody-two shoes in class. Never breaking any rules and always getting top grades.
O It talks about a small bag.
O Am I creative? I don’t know.

* critic /krit-ik/
* rebel /reb-uhl/
* decade /dek-eyd/
* rigorously  /rig-er-uhs-lee/

Build Lexicon:
* downsize := (v) to reduce the number of people who work in a company, business, etc. in order to reduce costs.
   Example:  The larger companies are all planning to downsize their US operations.
* functional := (adj) practical and useful; with little or no decoration.
   Example: The office was large and functional rather than welcoming.
* narrow := (adj) measuring a short distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to length
   Example: There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall.
* miniaturization :=(n) the act of making a much smaller version of something
   Example: The trend towards miniaturization of digital devices has been going on for several years.

We need to downsize the system. 

The hospital will soon be fully functional. 

Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets. 

miniaturization of electronic components 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* horizontal engineering := (humorous) the act of taking a nap.
   Example: I need to go back to the dorm and do some horizontal engineering—I'm exhausted.
* acid test := to determine a person’s true worth and value.
   Example: Although she has been doing well at training and in practice matches, her first actual match will be the acid test!
* reinvent the wheel := the act of reinventing the wheel can mean wasting time by doing something that’s already been done.
   Example: This issue has already been solved by the other team, so don’t reinvent the wheel!
* push someone’s buttons := is an intentional act of provocation.
   Example: They disobeyed my instructions despite clear instructions from me. They really know how to push my buttons!

yesterday I didn't get sleep properly. I should go to do horizontal engineering.

This provision is the acid test. 

I don't want to reinvent the wheel here. 

Don't push my button, please.


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