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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 71 본문


Daily English School - 71

LeoBehindK 2023. 8. 25. 07:36

Sentence Construction:
X I think this China’s company Evergrande has problem with related the money. >>  I think that China’s company Evergrande has problems related to money.
X It has made some effect to China property market. >>  It has made some effect on the Chinese property market.
X One of my friend bought his house with debt but debt portion is 50% of house cost.  >> One of my friends bought his house with debt but the debt portion is 50% of the house price.
X Now the interest rate is soaring getting high. >> Now the interest rate is soaring and getting high.
X One of other my friend, he did not many use debts. >> One of my other friends, he did not use debts.

Good Sentences:
O It is wrong to deceive someone.
O However myths will be just myths.
O We wish you happiness and prosperity.
O She may be his achilles’ heel.
O When they were first introduced there was this sword of damocles business.  
O Our herculean efforts will someday come to fruition.
O If you use debt smartly it is good for you.
O I pay 20% of my income to debts a month.

* flourishing /flur-i-shing/
* heel /heel/
* vulnerable /vuhl-ner-uh-buhl/
* damocles /dam-uh-kleez/
* imminent /im-uh-nuhnt/
* herculean /hur-kyuh-lee-uhn/
* fruition /froo-ish-uhn/
* cayman /key-muhn/
* reached /reecht/
* offshore /awf-shawr/
* contagion /kuhn-tey-juhn/
* representative / rep-ri-zen-tuh-tiv/
* scheme /skeem/

Build Lexicon:
* defaulted := (v.) failed to fulfill a commitment, such as repaying a loan or meeting an obligation.
Example: The borrower defaulted on his mortgage payments, leading to foreclosure on his property.
* insolvency := (n.) the state of being unable to pay one's debts, often leading to bankruptcy.
Example: The company's insolvency forced it to cease operations and file for bankruptcy protection.
* contagion := (n.) the rapid spread or transmission of a disease, emotion, or concept from one person or thing to another.
Example: The contagious nature of the flu led to a widespread outbreak in the community.
* lenders := (n.) individuals or institutions that provide money, usually in the form of loans, to borrowers with the expectation of being repaid with interest.
Example: Banks and credit unions are common lenders that offer financial assistance to individuals and businesses.

Have you ever defaulted on a loan before? 

The question of insolvency is very important. 

You will take the contagion. 

We are not talking about lenders. 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* hit rock bottom := to hit rock bottom means to reach the lowest point, often financially, emotionally, or mentally.
Example: After the bankruptcy, he felt like he had hit rock bottom, but with time, he managed to rebuild his life.
* jump ship before it sinks := this expression means to leave a situation or company before it faces financial trouble or collapses.
Example: Several employees jumped ship before the company's bankruptcy protection ended, fearing they might lose their jobs.

The stock market hit rock bottom. 

we should jump ship before it shinks, if you don't you will be in trouble.



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