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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 70 본문


Daily English School - 70

LeoBehindK 2023. 8. 24. 19:27

Sentence Construction:
X I didn’t have anything to share you. >>  I didn’t have anything to share with you.
X In the morning, I prepared something to go office. >>  In the morning, I prepared something to go to the office.
X After work, I go to the home. >> After work, I go home.
X My company conclude that some project is finished. >> My company concluded that some projects are finished.
X That soccer player had a critical injury so his career has come to premature end.  >> That soccer player had a critical injury so his career has come to a premature end.
X One of my friend was o one as good person she always made she want to walk the talk.  >> One of my friends was o one as good a person as she always wants to walk the talk.
X It is about the Greek soldier tried to getting the city.  >> It is about the Greek soldiers who tried to get the city.
X  They killed the Greece people and the Greece people were died.  >>  They killed the Greek people and they all died.

Good Sentences:
O Weekend is coming.
O I think my life is boring.
O This hospital major is cardiovascular disease.
O When I moved to another company I felt like I was walking on air.
O Sometimes we are walking a tightrope in our company.
O If you wanna win the match you should take the first step to go to the gym.
O At that night, soldiers came out from this toy.
O It is about the ancient people in Korea.

* trojan /troh-juhn/
* wooden /wood-n/
* soldier /sohl-jer/
* athena /uh-thee-nuh/

Build Lexicon:
* deceive := (v.) to cause someone to believe something that is not true,
typically with the intention to mislead or trick them.
Example: She tried to deceive him into thinking she was a famous
actress, but he eventually discovered the truth.
* myths := (n.) traditional stories or legends, often involving gods, heroes,
or supernatural beings, that explain aspects of a culture's beliefs, customs,
or natural phenomena.
Example: Ancient Greek myths, such as the story of Pandora's box,
continue to captivate readers with their tales of adventure and morality.
* prosperity := (.) the state of being successful, wealthy, or flourishing, often
in terms of financial well-being or overall happiness.
Example: The country's investments in education and infrastructure
led to a period of unprecedented prosperity, with low unemployment rates
and a growing economy.

It is wrong to deceive someone. 

However, myths may be just myths. 

We wish you happiness and prosperity. 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* achilles' heel := a person's vulnerable point or weakness that can lead to
their downfall.
Example: Despite his strength and valor, the hero had an Achilles'
heel in the form of his love for a mortal, which ultimately led to his tragic
* sword of Damocles := refers to an imminent danger or threat that hangs
over someone, causing constant anxiety.
Example: The hero's journey often involves facing the "sword of
Damocles," representing the challenges and perils they must overcome in
legendary quests.
* herculean effort := an impressive try.
   Example: It was a Herculean effort for him to lift the suitcase into the car, but he managed it eventually after four attempts.
* midas touch := describes a person who has good fortune.
   Example: This young actor has the Midas touch, with every movie he becomes involved in breaking box office records and earning him millions.

She may be his Achilles heel. 

When they were first introduced, there was this sword of Damocles business. 

Our Herculean efforts will some day come to fruition. 

Whatever he does, he has lost his Midas touch. 


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