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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 197 본문


Daily English School - 197

LeoBehindK 2024. 6. 13. 07:05

Date: 06/12/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: Airline Meal Leftovers Cost Man $6,200 in Taiwan


Airline Meal Leftovers Cost Man $6,200 in Taiwan | Engoo Daily News

If you can't finish your meal at a restaurant, you might ask the staff to put your food in a box so you can take it home.


Sentence Construction:

X The problem of my project will be solved this Friday. >> The issue with my project will be resolved this Friday.

X Some people like to buy flatpack furniture because they like to make their own furniture themselves. >> Some people prefer to buy flatpack furniture because they enjoy assembling it themselves.

X Apple wants to make their own vehicle. It is kind of foray to the other car companies. >> Apple aims to create their own vehicle, marking a foray into the automotive industry.

X Nowaday AI technology is a game changer in many industries because AI can do many things and using AI can replace human employees. >> Nowadays, AI technology is a game changer in many industries because it can perform various tasks and replace human employees.

X It can make disease like African Swine Fever. >> It can cause diseases like African Swine Fever.
X If I could take it anymore >> If I could take it home, then I would.

X Every meals are important. >> Every meal is important.

* assemble /uh-sem-buhl/
* furniture /fur-ni-cher/
* territory /ter-i-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee/
* Indonesia /in-duh-nee-zhuh, -shuh, -zee-uh, -doh-/
* Vietnam /vee-et-nahm, -nam, vyet-, vee-it-/
* leftover /left-oh-ver/
* swine /swahyn/

Build Lexicon:

* swine := (n.) refers to a pig, especially when considered as livestock. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a person regarded with contempt.

Example: The farmer raised a variety of livestock, including several swine. He acted like a complete swine, showing no regard for anyone's feelings.

* incident := (n.) refers to an event or occurrence, typically one that is unusual or noteworthy.

Example: The police were called to investigate the incident at the bank.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* pay the piper := to face the consequences of one's actions.  

Example: He had to pay the piper for not declaring the leftover airline meal, resulting in a significant financial penalty.

* break the bank :=  to use up all one's money.

Example: The fine for carrying airline meal leftovers nearly broke the bank for him.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic,  Woman sues Netflix over Baby Reindeer character


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