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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 198 본문


Daily English School - 198

LeoBehindK 2024. 6. 14. 05:44

Date: 06/13/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: Woman sues Netflix over Baby Reindeer character


Baby Reindeer: Woman sues Netflix for $170m over Martha character

She claims to have inspired the character and seeks $170m for defamation, negligence and privacy violations.


Sentence Construction:

X The expert said its would be too hot. >> The expert said it would be too hot.

X I saw 42 degree Celsius before. >> I experienced 42 degree Celsius before

X I’m not eat breakfast. >> I don’t eat breakfast.

X Only dinner I can enjoy. >> I can only enjoy my dinner.

X I heard a car incident and this incident changed his life.>> I heard a car incident and that incident changed his life.

X Traveling often without a plan could break the bank. >> Traveling often without a plan can break the bank.

X Mrs. Harvey made lie to the people. >> Mrs. Harvey lied to the people.

* project /noun proj-ekt, -ikt; verb pruh-jekt/
* metaphorically /met-uh-fawr-ik-lee, -for-/
* previously /pree-vee-uhs-lee/
* deny /dih-nahy/
* vigorously /vig-er-uhs-lee/
* criminal /krim-uh-nl/
* horrific /haw-rif-ik, ho-/
* dialogue /dahy-uh-lawg, -log/

Build Lexicon:

* depicted := (v.) represented or portrayed in some form, usually in a visual manner.

Example: The artist depicted a serene landscape with vibrant colors.

* vigorously := (adv.) done with energy, intensity, or strength.

Example: She vigorously defended her position during the debate, impressing everyone with her passion.

* convicted := (v.) found guilty of a crime or wrongdoing by a court of law.

Example: The defendant was convicted of theft and sentenced to five years in prison.

* secluded := (adj.) sheltered or hidden from view, away from others or isolated.

Example: The cabin by the lake was secluded, offering the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* throw the book at someone := to charge someone with as many offenses as possible; to punish severely.

Example: The plaintiff is ready to throw the book at Netflix for their portrayal of the character, claiming it damaged her reputation.

* kick the hornet's nest := to do something that causes a lot of trouble or problems.

Example: The lawsuit has kicked the hornet's nest of discussions around artistic freedom versus potential harm caused by fictional portrayals.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic,  Australia to allow foreign citizens into its army


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