Recently I was surprised to see money-collection kiosks at my friend's wedding.
We think that we should give real money (cash) and put it in an envelope It's important for politeness.
I saw that many people were uncomfortable using this kind of machine.
It's a [kind off convenience its convenient], but some people might say it is so rude [tacky {= low-class]].
1 heard that the wedding company wanted to make more profit by using the kiosks.
It's not only a cultural issue, but also this kind of machine is complicated for elder people.
I told some
o tham how to use
Some people who forgot to bring money could pay by credit card.
Sometimes these days I feel like I can't buy anything without a credit card.
Why they don't want to receive cash is, they don't want to have to give out change.
Some coffee shops are totally (1009 / fully] automated these days.
Sometimes homeless people can get in and stay overnight.
These days automation is increasingly reducing the number of available entry-level jobs for young