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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 312 본문


Daily English School - 312

LeoBehindK 2025. 2. 28. 17:51

Date: 02/26/2025
Student: Dawoon Kim
Topic: AI cracks superbug problem in two days that took scientists years

Sentence Construction:
X I second year, I am also student. >> In my two years there, I am a student but I can work remotely during those times.
X As a reporter, being foreign correspondent is really valuable positions. >>
X In Korea, there are many crimes related to a disappearance. People who were disappearance related to religions. >> In Korea, there are many crimes related to disappearances. Some missing people are linked to religious groups.
X If you want to import a car from other countries, you have to get a permission from a authorities. >> If you want to import a car from another country, you have to get permission from the authorities.
X 2 years ago, when I took a plane, I lost my cellphone so I suddenly off the grid at the moment. >> Two years ago, I lost my cellphone on a plane and suddenly went off the grid.

* concern /kuhn-surn/
* impulse /im-puhls/
* correspondent /kawr-uh-spon-duhnt, kor-/
* brazil /bruh-zil/
* disappearance /dis-uh-peer-uhns/
* foreign /fawr-in, for-/
* mysterious /mi-steer-ee-uhs/
* authority /uh-thawr-i-tee, uh-thor-/
* organization /awr-guh-nuh-zey-shuhn/
* order /awr-der/
* report /ri-pawrt, -pohrt/

Build Lexicon:
* Hypothesis := (n.) An idea or explanation that is tested through study and experimentation.
Example: The AI quickly generated a hypothesis that matched the scientists' decade-long research.
* Breakthrough := (n.) A significant discovery or achievement in solving a problem.
Example: The AI tool’s rapid conclusion was considered a major breakthrough in microbiology.
* Verification := (n.) The process of confirming that something is true or accurate.
Example: Scientists perform verification tests to ensure research findings are correct.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* Get to the bottom of := To solve or understand the real cause of a problem.
Example: It took the researchers a decade to get to the bottom of the antibiotic resistance issue.
* A drop in the ocean := A very small amount compared to what is needed.
Example: The time saved by AI was a drop in the ocean compared to the years spent verifying the findings.
* Think outside the box := To approach a problem in an innovative or creative way.
Example: Using AI in microbiology allows researchers to think outside the box and find solutions faster.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic, Man briefly 'swallowed' by humpback whale


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