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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 313 본문


Daily English School - 313

LeoBehindK 2025. 3. 1. 07:22

Date: 02/28/2025
Student: Dawoon Kim
Topic: Man briefly 'swallowed' by humpback whale

Sentence Construction:
X First one year I don't work. >> I won’t work in my first year.
X Even if I don't work more my company will give me my salary. >> Even if I don’t work anymore, my company will still pay my salary.
X In our company, before testing product I have to make hypothesis for getting good result. >> In our company, before testing a product, I have to make a hypothesis to achieve good results.
X I really hope so during my graduate student, I can find breakthrough about my field. >> I really hope that during my graduate studies, I can find a breakthrough in my field.
X It is really good habit to get to the bottom of problems in our problems to be professional. >> It is a really good habit to get to the bottom of problems in order to be professional.
X The government made stimulated package to support people who were suffered from inflation but it was a drop in the ocean. >> The government created a stimulus package to support people who suffered from inflation, but it was just a drop in the ocean.
X My sister was very light than me. >> MY sister was way lighter than me.
X It is more safe than kayaking. >> It is safer than kayaking.

* hypothesis /hahy-poth-uh-sis, hi-/
* decade /dek-eyd/
* generate /jen-uh-rey/
* breakthrough /breyk-throo/
* significant /sig-nif-i-kuhnt/
* discovery /dih-skuhv-uh-ree/
* microbiology /mahy-kroh-bahy-ol-uh-jee/
* verification /ver-uh-fi-key-shuhn/
* slimy /slahy-mee/
* mammal /mam-uhl/

Build Lexicon:
* Engulf (v.) := To completely surround or swallow something.
Example: The large whale suddenly engulfed the kayaker in its mouth.
* Ordeal (n.) := A difficult or painful experience.
Example: Surviving the whale encounter was a terrifying ordeal for Simancas.
* Enveloped (v.) := Covered or surrounded completely.
Example: The darkness enveloped him as he was pulled into the whale’s mouth.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* A close call := A situation where something bad almost happened.
Example: Adrian had a close call when he was nearly swallowed by the whale.
* Sink in := To be fully understood or realized.
Example: It took a while for the shocking experience to sink in.
* Take the plunge := To do something risky or daring.
Example: Despite the incident, Adrian decided to take the plunge and continue his adventures.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic, Next Article


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