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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 32 본문


Daily English School - 32

LeoBehindK 2023. 6. 24. 12:05

Sentence Construction:
X I press wrong button. >> I pressed the wrong button.
X Today was busy day I say you. >>  Today was a busy day as I told you earlier.
X I have to overwork overtime. >> I have to work overtime.
X We have no people but company said we you should work more.  >> We have no people but the company said we should work more.
X I heard that elementary schools disappear in our city. >>  I heard that elementary schools are disappearing in our city.
X Using serrated knife cut cake in half horizontally.  >> Using a serrated knife cut the cake in half horizontally.
X They decide it was time to call a halt to the project.  >> They decided it was time to call a halt to the project.  
X They took the dog by their tools. >> They took the dog using a stretcher.
X Usually dog can be easily tired. >> Usually dogs can easily be tired.
X They blood can be high easily. >> Their blood can be high easily.

Good Sentences:
O I might have to work remotely.
O I sometimes feel that I am burnt out.
O There are no children anymore.
O I think politicians didn’t have any idea.
O Teenagers are very vulnerable to digital stress.
O She’s starting to become an impact player.
O I once was a student and this isn’t a walk in the park.
O Alright guys, let’s hit the road.
O Should we travel light or heavy?
O She left at the crack of dawn.
O This story is about a dog rescue from a mountain rescue team.
O When they came down from the top the dog didn’t move anymore.

* vulnerable /vuhl-ner-uh-buhl/
* rescued /res-kyood/
* climbing /klahy-ming/
* refused /ri-fyoozt/
* paw /paw/
* stretcher / strech-er/
* district /dis-trikt/
* national /nash-nuhl/

Build Lexicon:
* poet := (n) a person who writes poems.
   Example: He is more poet than academic because of his gift for language.
* refuse := (v) to say or show that you will not do something that somebody has asked you to do.
   Example: My brother refused to allow anyone to help him.
* extremely := (adv) to a very high degree.
   Example: It is extremely important to follow the directions exactly.
* rescue := (v) to save somebody/something from a dangerous or harmful situation.
   Example: The coastguard rescued six people from the sinking boat.

he is a poet and his poems always make me blow my mind.

one of my friends asked me to borrow my car for two days, but I refused because I had a plan to use my car.

use a gas stove very carefully. it is extremely important.

she has rescued hundreds of sea turtles in the US.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* saved by the bell := rescued from a difficulty at the last moment.
   Example: I was really saved by the bell when our teacher moved the math test to next week.
* safe and sound := not harmed or injured.
   Example: The fire completely destroyed the apartment building. However, we are happy to report that all residents and pets are safe and sound.
* like a dog with a bone := relentless.
   Example: She's like a dog with a bone about solving this issue and can't seem to let it go.
* barking up the wrong tree := be pursuing a mistaken or misguided line of thought or course of action.
   Example: I tried to get information from the receptionist about the director but she was just a temporary employee so I was barking up the wrong tree.

We were saved by the bell.

 want to make sure that the products all arrived safe and sound.

my team working style is like a dog with a bone.

I tried to solve some problems. but finally, I got it. I just barked up the wrong tree.


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