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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 39 본문


Daily English School - 39

LeoBehindK 2023. 7. 6. 23:49

Sentence Construction:
X This article is about the project of UK’s Prince William.  >> This article is about the project of the UK's Prince William.
X This project is about to make a home for homeless in the UK.  >> This project is about making a home for the homeless in the UK.
X There are so many people who didn’t have any home in the UK. >> There are so many people who don't have a home in the UK.
X This project focus on 6 areas in UK and one of them is London. >> This project focuses on 6 areas in the UK and one of them is London.
X I think it is need so much money for finishing this kind of project. >>  I think it needs a lot of money to finish this kind of project.
X They can be continued this project. >> They can continue this project.
X I don’t know how can be made this project in the future. >>  I don’t know how this project can be made in the future.
X I only know about the queen of Elizabeth. >> I only know about the queen of Elizabeth.
X I think they one by one have a variety of reason each other. >> I think they have a variety of reasons for each other.

Good Sentences:
O I did some cleaning at my home. After cleaning I felt refreshed physically and mentally.  
O What does the man think about the conviction?
O It’s so significant to me.
O The rumors contradict each other.
O They have failed resoundingly.
O This test is so hard but the cat would eat fish but would not wet her feet.
O The government had been economical with the truth.
O My boss usually exaggerates the facts.
O Don’t tell me fibs!
O This number is increasing year by year.

* conviction /kuhn-vik-shuhn/
* opposite /op-uh-zit/
* exaggerate /ig-zaj-uh-reyt/
* homelessness / hohm-lis-nis/
* would /wood/
* home /hohm/
* temporary /tem-puh-rer-ee/
* progressive /pruh-gres-iv/
* dignity /dig-ni-tee/

Build Lexicon:
* dignity := (n.) calm, serious, and controlled behavior that makes people respect you.
     Example: He is a man of dignity and calm determination.
* temporary := (adj.) not lasting or needed for very long.
     Example: The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.
* prevent := (v.) to stop something from happening or someone from doing something.
    Example: Label your suitcases to prevent confusion.

This affects my dignity. 

The company’s financial problems were only a temporary reversal. 

We hope to prevent anything unpleasant from happening. 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* to be in the red := this statement is used to overdo the bank. Your bank account means red. Traditionally, it sends you a letter using the red print as a warning that your bank account is negative or negative.
   Example: When you are in the red your bank makes, you have to pay extra as a penalty.
* burn a hole in your pocket := it means that more spending has been made than it should have been. A little bit, when you have extra money and really want to spend it, the money makes a hole in the pocket.  
   Example: The money you got from your family on your school day burning a hole in your pocket! You just can’t learn to save money.
* as poor as church mouse :=  it is a phrase that means very poor, poor and has no money.  
   Example: The young girl is as poor as a church mouse. He had little money to feed his family.

if I fail my stock trading, my bank account will be in the red.

If money burns a hole in your pocket, you'll never have any for emergencies. 

every end of months, I am as poor as church mouse


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