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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 41 본문


Daily English School - 41

LeoBehindK 2023. 7. 11. 14:36

Sentence Construction:
X So many foods at there. >> There were so many foods there.
X We talk each other many many time. >> We talk to each other many times.
X He was excited and he blow smoke as he got succeeded.  >> He was excited and he blew smoke as he succeeded.
X This article is about the new way to travelling. >> This article is about the new way of traveling.
X People choose the place which they want to go is the city have good food. >>  People choose the place which they want to go to because the city has good food.
X Above half of Americans want to go to place which have good local food.  >> Above half of Americans want to go to places which have good local food.
X  British people is same.  >>  British people are the same.
X In my case, I decide the place which I will go to on vacation is I’m consider the food in there. >> In my case, I decide the place which I will go to on vacation if I consider the food there. / In my case, I decide based on the food of the place.

Good Sentences:
O It’s definitely working well.
O My weight is getting higher.  
O I need to manage my food.
O The cuisine in our restaurant is excellent.
O Congratulations on your promotion to assistant manager.
O Mobile phones facilitate better communications.
O He told me that the stock he bought was as sound as a dollar.
O I have been flooded with customer complaints but I will try to solve all of them.

* facilitate /fuh-sil-i-teyt/
* exaggerate / ig-zaj-uh-reyt/
* perfect /pur-fikt/
* survey /ser-vey/
* adventurous  /ad-ven-cher-uhs/

Build Lexicon:
* landmark := (n) an object, building, etc. that is easily recognized and helps one know where one is; an object, building, etc. that is historically important.
   Example: The mountain was once a landmark for ships trying to find the harbor entrance.
* involve := (v) to have or include something as a part of it.
   Example: The study involved 1,500 participants aged 18 to 30.
*  adventurous := (adj) willing to take risks and try new things.
   Example: I'm not very adventurous when it comes to food, so I usually stick to burgers and pizza when traveling.
* sightseeing := (n) the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist.
   EXample: Did you have a chance to do any sightseeing?

Is there a landmark nearby? 

I don't want to be involved.

I don't like adventurous things.

Let's just go sightseeing

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* bite off more than you can chew := to take on more than you are capable of doing.
   Example: Sometimes Lynne thinks she has bitten off more than she can chew running the Network.
* to bite your tongue := when you stop yourself from saying something because you realize it might cause offense or be hurtful.
   Example: Barack Obama said he bit his tongue many times during his primary fight against Hillary Clinton.
* chew the fat := to chat.
   Example: I enjoy meeting my friends to chew the fat.
* eat humble pie := to act humble, accept another`s insult or bad treatment.
   Example: He bullied his employees and made them eat dirt.

when I joined this project, I thought that I has bitten off more than I can chew.

I should have bitten my tongue, but I didn't and she was angry.

when I have free time, I chew the fat with my friends.

the police officer made them eat humble pie.


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