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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 42 본문


Daily English School - 42

LeoBehindK 2023. 7. 11. 23:47

Sentence Construction:
X On this week, I might work at home. >> This week, I might work at home.
X Company said we should work at home. >> Our company said we should work at home.
X When I joined this project I thought I has bitten off more than I could chew.  >> When I joined this project I thought I had bitten off more than I could chew.
X This article is about someone who left their job and tried to search another job.  >>  This article is about someone who left their job and tried to search for another job.
X This people who already left their job were burnt out for  searching online jobs.  >>  These people who already left their jobs were burnt out searching for jobs online.
X This people who left their work before usually write cover letter for another job or another company. >> These people who left their work before usually write a cover letter for another job or another company.
X This kind of things make them burn out.  >>>  These kinds of things make them burn out.
X Some of my friend have quitted their job now. >> Some of my friends have quitted their jobs now.

Good Sentences:
O Is there a landmark nearby?
O I don’t want to be involved.
O I don’t like adventurous things.
O Let’s just go sightseeing.
O I should bite my tongue but I didn’t and she was angry.
O When I have free time, I chew the fat with my friends.
O The police officer made them eat humble pie.
O I think the unemployment rate is 5%.
O 2 years ago, the job in IT was so popular in the world.
O They didn’t have enough money for their employees.

* aged /eyjt/
* sightseeing /sahyt-see-ing/
* capable /key-puh-buhl/
* arduous /ahr-joo-uhs/
* anecdotes /an-ik-dohts/
* prospect /pros=pekt/
* severance /sev-ruhns/
* relevance /rel-uh-vuhns/
* tenuous /ten-yoo-uhs/
* varies /vair-eez/
* fathom /fath-uhm/

Build Lexicon:
* arduous := (adj) involving a lot of effort and energy, especially over a period of time.
   Example: It was an arduous seven-hour journey to get there.
* curt := (adj) appearing rude because very few words are used, or because something is done in a very quick way.
   Example: A curt note of rejection arrived from the company director.
* tenuous := (adj) so weak or uncertain that it hardly exists.
* strife := (n) anger or violence between two people or groups of people who disagree.
   Example: The country was torn apart by strife.

He enjoys an arduous workout in the gymnasium. 

The boss was rather curt with him. 

That is a tenuous assertion at best. 

We were at strife with the team. 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* cut corners := to do something the easiest or quickest way.
   Example: Cutting corners on case studies will result in careless errors.
* it’s not rocket science := something is not complicated to understand.
   Example:  Just look up the answer online; it’s not rocket science.
* up to speed := to be familiar with current information.
   Example: We have a new team member starting this week. Can everyone help him get up to speed on our accounts?
* on the back burner := low priority.
   Example: Put that report on the back burner and focus on new business.

You shouldn't cut corners if you want good quality. 

It's not rocket science ,is it

I tried my best to bring him up to speed. 

Let’s put that plan on the back burner. 


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