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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 44 본문


Daily English School - 44

LeoBehindK 2023. 7. 13. 23:42

Sentence Construction:
X I joined discussion about this on twitter. >>  I joined a discussion about this on twitter.
X  There are lot of people to visit France.  >>  There are a lot of people visiting France.
X France is one the most famous place in the world.  >> France is one the most famous places in the world.
X So many place in France would be crowded. >> So many places in France would be crowded.
X The Netflix make some drama about some France cities. >>  Netflix shoots dramas in one of the famous places in France.
X They want live quietly so it is helpful. >>  They want to live quietly so it is helpful.
X On the other hand, I think France is complicated city. >> On the other hand, I think France is a complicated city.

Good Sentences:
O The street is cleaned by people.
O He enjoys an arduous work out in the gymnasium.
O The boss was later curt with him.
O That is a tenuous assumption at best.
O We were at strife with the team.
O You shouldn’t cut corners if you want good quality.
O It’s not rocket science, isn’t it?
O I tried my best to bring him up to speed.
O Let’s put that plan on the back burner.
O This article is about the new rule for controlling the tourist number  in France.
O The government of France starts to control the number of tourists in each place.
O  Sometimes people will complain.

* gymnasium /jim-ney-zee-uhm/
* popular /pop-yuh-ler/
* recent /ree-suhnt/
* Marseille /maar-say/
* reduce /ri-doos/
* french /french/

Build Lexicon:
* overcrowding := (n) a situation when there are too many people in a place.
   Example: Machu Picchu has introduced visitor limits to prevent overcrowding and protect the site.
* peak := (n) the time when someone or something is best, strongest, most successful, etc.
   Example: The peak of the tourist season in Bali is July and August, when the weather is dry and sunny.
* coastal := (adj)
of or near an area of land that is next to the sea.
   Example: Housing prices are generally higher in coastal areas.
* resident := (n) a person who lives in a particular place or who has their home there.
   Example: The proposals sparked concern among local residents.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* if worse comes to worst := introduces the action to take when no other option is successful.
   Example: If worse comes to worst, call the police.
* bright and early := very early in the morning.
   Example: We’ll need to leave bright and early to catch the first ferry.
* watch your back := be careful; pay attention to people around you.
   Example: Keep your wallet in a safe place and watch your back on the subway.
* get a move on := go more quickly.
   Example: We’ll need to get a move on if we want to catch the four o’clock bus.

Build Lexicon:
* fluctuation := (n) one of several changes in size, amount, quality, etc. that happen frequently, especially from one extreme to another; the act of changing frequently like this.
   Example: Is there much fluctuation in the price of food?
* topple := (v) to become unsteady and fall down; to make something do this.
   Example: He toppled backwards into the river.
* stark := (adj) unpleasant; real, and impossible to avoid.
   Example: The government faced a stark choice between civil war and martial law.
* unheeded := (adj) that is heard, seen or noticed but then ignored.
   Example: Her warning went unheeded.

There is a wide fluctuation in the prices of commodities. 

The house threatened to topple over on them. 

This is in stark contrast to the behavior of other countries. 

The warning went unheeded. 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* as right as rain := feeling fine and healthy.
   Example: I don't feel sick anymore, I feel as right as rain.
* come rain or shine :=  no matter what the weather/situation.
   Example: I always walk to work, come rain or shine. It's a good exercise.
* rain on my parade := if someone rains on your parade, they ruin your pleasure or plans.
   Example: I was excited about the weekend but then, of course, my boss came along and rained on my parade.
* throw caution to the wind := forget all your commitments and do something crazy.
   Example: I don't want to work tomorrow. Let's  throw caution to the wind and fly to Mexico!

A couple of days, I'm gonna be right as rain. 

The show goes on come rain or come shine. 

She apologized for having rained on my parade. 

You throw caution to the wind, but you always seem to enjoy yourself. 


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