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Leo's Garage
Daily English School - 48 본문
Sentence Construction:
X I decide to participate it. >> I decided to participate in it.
X This article is about the woman who killed ex-classmated. >> This article is about the woman who killed her ex-classmate.
X She already had bullied her friend. >> She had been bullied by her friends.
X Police said the suspect had been moved other class rather than move to other school. >> Police said the suspect had been moved to another class rather than move to another school.
X Suspect should be prisoned for 15 years. >> Suspect will be prison for 15 years.
X There were so many incident at that time. >> There were so many incidents at that time.
X School has a part of fault but it is not original fault. >> Partly, the school is at fault in this incident but shouldn’t be taking the blame fully.
X If school do that, parents should accuse school. >> If the school does that, parents will accuse the school.
X Nowadays it’s more worse than before. >> Nowadays it's worse than before.
X She suicided. >> She committed suicide.
Good Sentences:
O We are far more savvy shoppers now.
O We should outstrip them by far.
O This is a war of attrition without any winners.
O This is just a small token of my appreciation.
O I’m going to quit while I’m ahead.
O It is time to call it quits for the show.
O He lives beyond his means.
O He seems to be down-and-out on this one.
O She had been arrested by the police.
O The police officer will investigate this accident.
* savvy /sav-ee/
* perpetrator /pur-pi-trey-ter/
* homicide /hom-uh-sahyd/
* autopsy /aw-top-see/
* determine /dih-tur-min/
* deceased /dih-seest/
Build Lexicon:
* motive := (n) a reason for doing something.
Example: There seemed to be no motive for the murder.
* autopsy := (n) an official examination of a dead body by a specially trained doctor in order to discover the cause of death.
Example: The policemen performed an autopsy for further investigation.
* ascertain := (v) to find out the true or correct information about something.
Example: It can be difficult to ascertain the facts.
That's enough to give you motive.
We'll have to wait for the autopsy.
We must ascertain that we are safe!
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* get away with murder := when someone gets away with murder they are not punished for bad behavior. They did something bad or wrong and did not get into trouble for it.
Example: She never does her homework and she's always late for class. Our teacher lets her get away with murder! He never punishes her.
* a rotten apple := something/someone that is a bad influence on others.
Example: I’d say we’ve got a rotten apple in our company. Someone has disclosed confidential information to our competitors.
* to come clean := to confess to something.
Example: The thief felt guilty so he went to the police station and came clean.
* in hot water := in trouble.
Example: If you lie to the authorities, you’ll end up in hot water.
They try to get away with murder.
he is obviously a rotten apple.
I don't know, I just felt like I wanted to come clean.
It wasn't the first time he has been in hot water.
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