Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 116 본문


Daily English School - 116

LeoBehindK 2023. 11. 29. 23:47

Student: Dawoon Topic:The major factors driving up the prices of US wine



The major factors driving up the prices of US wine

American consumers are experiencing sticker shock for domestic wines. How did US bottles get so expensive?


Sentence Construction: X I’m not enjoy drinking alcohol.>> I don’t enjoy drinking alcohol.

X It was impressed to me. >> It was impressive to me.

X Some professional try to test.>> Some professionals try to take the test for the wine. Pronunciation:

*fermented [fr·men·tuhd]

*professional [pruh·feh·shuh·nuhl]


Build Lexicon:

*vineyards:= (n.)a plantation of grapevines, typically producing grapes used in winemaking.         

Example:= Some wineries may even tell you the specific vineyard that the grapes had been grown.

*erratic:= (adj.)not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.         

Example:= Her breathing was erratic. Discover Idioms & Expressions:

*A ripple effect:= the continuing and spreading results of an event or action.         

Example:= While their marriage made an impact on their friends, the ripple effect on family members was even more profound.


*Three-tier architecture:= is a well established software application architecture that organizes applications into three logical and physical computing tiers.          


Example:= three-tier system means the system for distributing Alcoholic Beverages set up in the United States after the repeal of the prohibition. 


Prepare: * Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and share them in class. * Study for the next article. NASA can send your name to Jupiter's moon Europa  https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2311/231120-send-your-name-to-jupiter-5.html


The major factors driving up the prices of US wine

American consumers are experiencing sticker shock for domestic wines. How did US bottles get so expensive?




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