Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 123 본문


Daily English School - 123

LeoBehindK 2023. 12. 15. 07:38

Date: 12/14/2023
Topic: Study: Video Games Don't Affect Cognition in Children
Sentence Construction:
X I love computer cafe but I went to school.>> I love computer cafes but I went to school.
X Nowaday, people have their computers at home.>> Nowadays, people have their computers at home.
X People played game at home not computer cafe. >> People played games at home, not in the computer cafes.
*cafes [ka·fayz]
*computer [kuhm·pyoo·tr]
Build Lexicon:
*cognitive:= (Adj.)relating to the process of thinking and understanding
       Example:= The researchers asked participants to complete a number of math, verbal and cognitive tasks.
*obsessive := (Adj.)thinking or worrying too much about a person or thing in a way that is troubling
       Example:= Jamie's obsessive gaming habits began to affect his performance at school.
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
*Cognitive Ability Test:= assess abilities involved in thinking.
      Example:= There are some cognitive assessment tests that you or a loved one can take yourself.
*obsessed with a particular video game:=  Video game addiction, also called internet gaming disorder, is a condition characterized by severely reduced control over gaming habits.
       Example:=  I feel a strong obsession towards video games.
* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and share them in class.
* Study for the next article.


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