Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 125 본문


Daily English School - 125

LeoBehindK 2023. 12. 22. 08:24

Date: 12/21/2023
Student: Danny
Topic: The 'vibecession' driving holiday mass layoffs
Sentence Construction:
X In generally companies are  supported by a investors so they should report their statement yearly.>> In general companies are  supported by investors so they should report their statement yearly.
X So they wanna improve their financial performance so they do this kind of thing.>> They want to improve their financial performance, so they do this kind of thing.
X They can show their financial statement to investor.>> They can show their financial statements to investors.
*recession [ruh·seh·shn]
*statement [stayt·muhnt]
Build Lexicon:
*layoffs:= (n.) a discharge of a worker or workers because of economic conditions or shortage of work.
        Example:= The workforce is on strike over layoffs.
*Scrambling:= (n.) the action of scrambling up or over rough or steep ground, especially as a leisure activity.
         Example:= The final push for the summit involved some exhilarating scrambling.
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
*Vibecession:= (n.) combines the words vibe and recession.refers to a period when the vibes (consumer opinion and outlook) have entered a figurative recession due to negative views of the current or future economy.
       Example:= Does a vibecession, that sense that all is going wrong, lead to an actual recession?
*Full swing:=  be operating fully, to be operating fully or to have already been happening for some time, rather than just having started.
        Example:= Work on the project is in full swing. Prepare:
* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and share them in class.
* Study for the next article.


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