Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 190 본문


Daily English School - 190

LeoBehindK 2024. 5. 22. 08:07

Date: 05/21/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: The Mona Lisa was set in this surprising Italian town, geologist claims’


The Mona Lisa was set in this surprising Italian town, geologist claims | CNN

CNN  —  Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa — one of the most famous paintings in the world — is shrouded in mystery; from questions around the figures identity, to her puzzling, enigmatic expression. Now, at least one of the artwork’s secrets has be


Sentence Construction:

X I have to overtime today. >> I have to work overtime today.

X In my case, for work I never assume that. >> In my case, I never assume when it comes to work.

X A problem can be proof >> A problem must always have to be proven.

X This portrait is most famous portrait in the world.  >> This portrait is one of the most famous portraits in the world.

X She doesn't have a eyelid >> She doesn't have eyelids

* vlog /vlawg, vlog/
* candid /kan-did/
* expertise /ek-sper-teez/
* again /uh-gen, uh-geyn/
* geologist /jee-ol-uh-jist/
* interdisciplinary /in-ter-dis-uh-pluh-ner-ee/

Build Lexicon:

* shrouded := (v.) to be covered or concealed, often in a way that obscures or protects.

   Example: The ancient castle was shrouded in mist, making it look like a scene from a fairy tale.

* deduced := (v.) to have reached a conclusion through reasoning.

   Example: From the clues left at the crime scene, the detective deduced that the suspect was someone who knew the victim.

* pinnacles := (n.) the highest points, either in a physical or metaphorical sense; peaks.

   Example: The climbers finally reached the pinnacles of the mountain, where they could see for miles around.

* fungible := (adj.) interchangeable and able to replace or be replaced by another identical item.

   Example:  In economics, money is considered fungible because any dollar bill is interchangeable with another.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* break the mold := to do something in a new or unconventional way.

   Example: The geologist broke the mold with his groundbreaking theory about the Mona Lisa's true setting.

* raise eyebrows := to cause surprise or mild shock.

   Example: The surprising revelation about the Mona Lisa's setting certainly raised eyebrows among the art community.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.

* Our next topic, Being in Nature Could Change Our 'Sense of Time


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