Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 192 본문


Daily English School - 192

LeoBehindK 2024. 5. 24. 07:31

Date: 05/23/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: Body of a 23-year-old hiker missing since Sunday found at Rocky Mountain National Park


Body of a 23-year-old hiker missing since Sunday found at Rocky Mountain National Park | CNN

CNN  —  The body of a 23-year-old hiker who went missing in storms Sunday has been found at Rocky Mountain National Park, officials said in a media release. Lucas Macaj’s body was recovered on Mills Glacier, near the base of Lamb’s Slide, and init


Sentence Construction:

X After this class I have to work overtime. >> I will work overtime after this class.

X I can get off at 10pm. >> I will leave work at 10pm.

X My sister is a outdoorsy person. >> My sister is an outdoorsy person.

X I stayed in a village where time has stood still>> When I was in New Zealand, I stayed in a village and it felt like the time stood still.

X Yesterday, the lightning passed me by in the blink of an eye. >> Yesterday, the lightning struck in front of me in the blink of an eye.

X Anybody can be dead with bad weather. >> Anyone can put their lives in danger  if they pursue their plans in a bad weather

X It cannot be help. >> It cannot help.

X I try to rode the bicycle. >> I tried to ride the bicycle.

* eyebrow /ahy-brou/
* village /vil-ij/
* trailhead /treyl-hed/
* rocky /rok-ee/
* boulder / bohl-der/
* appointment /uh-point-muhnt/

Build Lexicon:

* glacier := (n.) a large body of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley or spreading outward on a land surface.

   Example: The glacier carved its way through the mountain range over thousands of years, leaving behind a stunning landscape.

* elevations := (n.) the height above a given level, especially sea level.

   Example: As we climbed higher, the elevations became more challenging, testing our endurance and determination.

* railhead := (n.) a town or settlement where railway lines end or converge.

   Example: The small town prospered as a railhead, serving as a hub for transporting goods and passengers across the region.

* terrain := (n.) a stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical features.

   Example: The rugged terrain of the desert made hiking a challenging but rewarding experience, with its steep cliffs and winding canyons.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* a needle in a haystack := something very hard or impossible to find.

   Example: Searching for the hiker's body in the vast Rocky Mountain National Park was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

* leave no stone unturned := to search thoroughly, exploring every possibility.

   Example: The search and rescue team left no stone unturned in their efforts to locate the missing hiker.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.

* Our next topic, Anti-oil protestors try to damage the Magna Carta


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