Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 205 본문


Daily English School - 205

LeoBehindK 2024. 6. 24. 18:20

Date: 06/24/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: New Hunger Games Book and Movie Announced


New Hunger Games Book and Movie Announced | Engoo Daily News

Suzanne Collins is returning to the land of Panem for a new The Hunger Games book.


Sentence Construction:

X I just took a rest at home whole day. >> I just took a rest at home whole day

X I will write another emails to colleagues for work. >> I will write another email to my colleagues for work.

X In our company, there is a coalition of employees. >> In our company, there is an employee coalition.

X Last month I found a problem of my project and then my mind was turmoil. >> Last month, I encountered a problem with my project, and my mind was in turmoil.

X If I have chance, I try. >> If I have the chance, I'll try.

X She wrote another books. >>  She wrote another book.

X If someone is watching I might watch >> If someone else is watching, I might watch too.

X Many people are killed in the movie. >> Many people were killed in the movie.

* coalition /koh-uh-lish-uhn/
* turmoil /tur-moil/
* situation /sich-oo-ey-shuhn/
* confusion /kuhn-fyoo-zhuhn/
* cruel /kroo-uhl/
* prefer /pri-fur/
* propaganda /prop-uh-gan-duh/
* advocate /ad-vuh-keyt/

Build Lexicon:

* greek :=  (n.)  a native or inhabitant of Greece, or a person of Greek descent. / the language of the Greeks.  (adj.) relating to Greece, its people, or their language.

Example: (n.) She met a Greek on her trip to Athens who taught her about local customs.

Example: (n.) She decided to learn Greek to better understand the ancient texts.

Example: (adj.) They enjoyed a delicious Greek salad at the restaurant.

* favorable := (adj.) expressing approval; to the advantage of someone or something.

Example: The weather forecast is favorable for our picnic this weekend

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* hot off the press := news that has just been released.

Example: The announcement of the new Hunger Games book and movie is hot off the press, and fans are already buzzing with excitement.

* all the rage := extremely popular or fashionable at a particular time.

Example: With the announcement of the new Hunger Games, dystopian novels are going to be all the rage again.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic, Russian court hears treason case against US-Russian citizen


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