Leo's Garage

SPEP 24.06.22 본문


SPEP 24.06.22

LeoBehindK 2024. 6. 22. 11:25

In my experience with AI, the human touch was lacking.


This article is about AI-tutoring bots. They are revolutionizing education by providing a personalized learning experience. Acting as personal teaching assistants, they use interactive methods to help students understand complex topics. The Google CEO expressed their potential to enhance/facilitate learning by tailoring lessons to individual preferences and spotting areas where students need help. The other benefit is their 24/7 availability, and their scalability. And they can provide real-time responses, which makes them accessible to millions globally. Another CEO emphasized that AI tutors can adapt to learning styles and even read human emotions to enhance their teaching approaches.


I think AI chatbots can have bad effects on the bonds between students. Because actually, I have experience. When I was a university student, I always took classes with my friends every day. But I heard from a junior team member who went to university in the Covid era. She said that she had never been in a classroom her whole university life. The university provided only online classes to her. She didn’t have any experience working with other students, so she was shy and couldn’t ask any questions in meetings. I told her that this can be tough for her, but that she should practice these kinds of things. For this reason, I think that the service AI chatbots offer has the same limitations/drawbacks.


Nevertheless, I believe that this kind of service can do great things for people who can’t access the normal education system.


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