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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 217 본문


Daily English School - 217

LeoBehindK 2024. 7. 24. 22:06

Date: 07/24/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: One Giant Leap: The 1969 Moon Landing


One Giant Leap: The 1969 Moon Landing | Engoo Daily News

"The Eagle has landed," astronaut Neil Armstrong told mission controllers in Houston, Texas, where celebrations immediately began.


Sentence Construction:

X When I faced a problem for my project I must tackle the problem with understanding >> When I face a problem with my project, I must tackle it with understanding.

X My wife has apathy to her younger sister. >> My wife is apathetic towards her younger sister.

X I think I still have young blood but actually it is not true. >> I like to think I still have young blood, but the reality is different

X Last year our company president was changed this sudden news raised eyebrows >> Last year, our company president was changed, and this sudden news raised eyebrows.

X Finally they landed on the moon >> They finally landed on the moon.

X There is no air to breath. >> There was no air to breathe

X It means the Eagle was landed on the moon >> It means the Eagle has landed on the moon.

X The scenery is darkness. >> The scenery is dark.

* picturesque /pik-chuh-resk/
* difficult /dif-i-kuhlt, -kuhlt/
* grapple /grap-uhl/
* offload /awf-lohd, of-/
* eagle /ee-guhl/
* astronaut /as-truh-nawt, -not/
* achievement /uh-cheev-muhnt/
* spacecraft /speys-kraft, -krahft/

Build Lexicon:

* leap := (v.)  to jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. (n.)  A sudden or abrupt movement or jump.

Example: (v.) She leaped over the puddle to avoid getting her shoes wet.

Example: (n.) The athlete made a remarkable leap during the high jump competition.

* critics := (n.) people who express opinions or judgments about something, especially works of art, literature, or performances.

Example: The film received praise from critics for its innovative storytelling and strong performances.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* reach for the stars := aim high or strive for ambitious goals.

Example: After the Apollo 11 mission, many young scientists were inspired to reach for the stars in their own careers.

* take a giant leap := make a significant advancement or progress.

Example: The moon landing was a giant leap for mankind, showing that even the most ambitious dreams can become reality.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic, South Korea makes N Korean defector vice minister


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