Date: 03/10/2025
Student: Dawoon Kim
Topic: Whale Image Wins Underwater Photographer of the Year
Sentence Construction:
X This place is not evening. >> It's not evening yet.
X I should make some documents for papers. >> I need to prepare some documents for my papers.
X I just focus on my task. >> I just focused on my task. / I am just focusing on my task.
X In Korea, doctor gave patient a prescription but patient can't get a medicine from a pharmacist. >> In Korea, a doctor gives a patient a prescription, but the patient can't get the medicine from a pharmacist.
X I didn't go to hospital yet. >> I haven't gone to the hospital yet.
X I think the main station in Germany is really vulnerable to crime. >> I think the main station in Germany is highly vulnerable to crime.
X One of my colleagues in the lab always try to lighten the mood because it is always serious. >> One of my colleagues in the lab always tries to lighten the mood because it's always so serious.
* economic /ek-uh-nom-ik, ee-kuh-/
* alarm /uh-lahrm/
* prescription /pri-skrip-shuhn/
* medicine /med-uh-sin/
* antidepressant /an-tee-di-pres-uhnt, an-tahy-/
* vulnerable /vuhl-ner-uh-buhl/
* loneliness /lohn-lee-nis/
* charity /char-i-tee/
Build Lexicon:
* Competition := (n.) A contest where people compete to win.
Example: The Underwater Photographer of the Year competition attracts thousands of entries worldwide.
* Fragility := (n.) The quality of being delicate or easily damaged.
Example: The photograph captures the fragility of marine life and the need for conservation.
* Portrait := (n.) A picture of a person or animal, often focusing on the face.
Example: The winning portrait photograph captured the essence of camels drinking water.
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* A picture is worth a thousand words := A photograph can convey a story or message better than words.
Example: The winning photograph proves that a picture is worth a thousand words.
* The big picture := The overall view or perspective of a situation.
Example: Photography competitions encourage people to see the big picture about ocean conservation.
* Capture the moment := To take a photograph at the perfect time.
Example: Underwater photographers must be patient to capture the moment when marine life is at its best.
* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic, A striking new visualization looks like a flower in bloom but tells an alarming story about what’s happening to the planet