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Leo's Garage
Date: 05/07/2024 ================= Student: Dawoon Kim Topic: Biden calls US ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ along with India, Russia and China https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/02/politics/biden-japan-xenophobic-us-ally/index.html Biden calls US ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ along with Russia and China | CNN PoliticsCNN — President Joe Biden on Wednesday called close US ally Japan “xenophobic” at a Washington,..
Date: 05/03/2024 ================= Student: Dawoon Kim Topic: Littlest Intruder: Toddler Gets Through White House Fence https://engoo.com/app/daily-news/article/littlest-intruder-toddler-gets-through-white-house-fence/743vqt7dEe2o5LON2CVcKA Littlest Intruder: Toddler Gets Through White House Fence | Engoo Daily NewsNews content from around the world for English learners. Updated daily for all le..
지시대명사ごれ : 이것ごれは何ですか?이것이 무엇입니까?それ : 그것それはケータイではありません。그것은 휴대폰이 아닙니다あれ : 저것あれはノートではありません。저것은 노트가 아닙니다どれ : 어느것林さんのペンはどれですか。하야시씨의 팬은 어느 것입니까?ここ : 여기, 이곳ここは銀行です이곳은 은행입니다そこ : 거기, 그곳そこはコンビニです。그곳은 편의점입니다あそこ : 저기, 저곳あそこは駅です저기는 역입니다どこ : 어디, 어느곳あなたの家はどこですか당신의 집은 어디입니까?こちら : 이쪽ロビーはこちらです로비는 이쪽입니다そちら : 그쪽そちらは家です그쪽은 집입니다あちら : 저쪽東京駅はあちらです도쿄역은 저쪽입니다どちら : 어느쪽トイレはどちらですか화장실은 어느쪽 입니까この こんな : 이, 이런このペンはだれのですか이 펜은 누구 것..
Date: 05/02/2024 ================= Student: Dawoon Kim Topic: Millions in the Midwest under storm watches as Nebraska and Iowa communities reel from devastating tornadoes https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/27/weather/plains-midwest-storms-tornadoes-climate-saturday/index.html Millions in the Midwest under storm watches as Nebraska and Iowa communities reel from devastating tornadoes | CNNCNN — One ..
~ か? : 의문문 あなたは大学生ですか? 당신은 대학생입니까? 英語の先生ではありませんか? 영어선생님이 아닙니까? 昨日は休みではありませんでしたか? 어제는 휴일이 아니었습니까? 鈴木さんのカバンはじゃありませんか? 스즈키씨의 가방이 아니었습니까? ~何ですか?: 무엇입니까? お名前は何ですか? 이름이 무엇입니까? 趣味は何ですか? 취미가 무엇입니까? 電話番号は何ですか? 전화번호가 무엇입니까? ~どこですか?: 어디입니까? 銀行はどこですか? 은행은 어디입니까? 出口はどこですか? 출구는 어디입니까? トイレはどごですか? 화장실은 어디입니까? ~ いつですか?: 언제입니까? 休みはいつですか? 휴일은 언제입니까? お誕生日はいつですか? 새일은 언제입니까? イベントはいつですか? 화장실은 어디입니까?
Date: 05/01/2024 ================= Student: Dawoon Kim Topic: Milan wants to ban takeaway food after midnight https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2404/240425-takeaway-food-ban.html Sentence Construction: X The dog park have some many toys for dogs. >> The dog park has a lot of toys for dogs X Lacerated mean wound on the skin. >> Lacerated means deep cut to the flesh. X The dentist sedated before fal..
~は : 은,는 私は韓国人です。 나는 한국인입니다. 彼は日本です。 그는 일본인입니다. カレーは美味しいです。 카레는 맛있다. ~ど : 그리고 ラーメンどカレーは美味しいです。 라면 그리고 카레는 맛있다. アメリカどカナダは大きいです。 미국 그리고 캐나다는 크다. 韓国ど日本は小さいです。 한국 그리고 일본은 작다. ではありません, じゃありません : 아니다 私は学生ではありません。 나는 학생이 아니다. (문어체) 私は学生じゃありません。 나는 학생이 아니다. (구어체) ~の : ~의, ~것 私のかばんです。 나의 가방입니다. 日本語の本です。 일본어 책입니다. 傘は私のです。 우산은 저의 것입니다. ~でした。 : ~였습니다. 私は大学生でした。 저는 대학생이었습니다. ではありませんでした : 아니였습니다 昨日は休みではありませんで..
Date: 04/30/2024 ================= Student: Dawoon Kim Topic: British man seriously injured in Tobago shark attack https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/27/americas/british-man-injured-tobago-shark-attack-intl/index.html British man seriously injured in Tobago shark attack | CNNCNN — A 64-year-old British man is receiving “critical care” after he was attacked by a shark 10 meters from the shore in Sca..
Date: 04/29/2024=================Student: Dawoon KimTopic: Hawaii Is Removing Its Famous Haiku Stairshttps://engoo.com/app/daily-news/article/hawaii-is-removing-its-famous-haiku-stairs/G3DzpP8AEe6gHZsH4mmm1w Hawaii Is Removing Its Famous Haiku Stairs | Engoo Daily NewsHawaii's Haiku Stairs have been closed since 1987 and no-one is allowed to climb them.engoo.comSentence Construction:X I finall..
Date: 04/26/2024=================Student: Dawoon KimTopic: Man Receives 217 Doses of COVID-19 Vaccinehttps://engoo.com/app/daily-news/article/man-receives-217-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine/7ANjiuDEEe6p9zNB-aLiKg Man Receives 217 Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine | Engoo Daily NewsIn 2020, people all over the world waited for scientists to create a vaccine that could protect them against COVID-19.engoo.comS..