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Leo's Garage
Date: 05/14/2024 ================= Student: Dawoon Kim Topic: Switzerland wins Eurovision after politically charged song contest upstaged by Israel controversy https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/11/europe/eurovision-song-contest-winner-switzerland-nemo-intl/index.html Switzerland wins Eurovision after politically charged song contest overshadowed by Israel controversy | CNNCNN — Switzerland’s Nemo ..
Date: 05/13/2024 ================= Student: Dawoon Kim Topic: 'Missing' Klimt Painting Sold for $32 Million https://engoo.com/app/daily-news/article/missing-klimt-painting-sold-for-32-million/W6zTDAZTEe-OY1sPJcA1zg 'Missing' Klimt Painting Sold for $32 Million | Engoo Daily NewsYou might think a work of art can be seen forever. But many museums actually hide most of their collections.engoo.com S..
시간 표현1시いちじ1분いっぷん13분じゅうさんぷん25분にじゅうごふん2시にじ2분にふん14분じゅうよんぷん26분にじゅうろっぷん3시さんじ3분さんぷん15분じゅうごふん27분にじゅうななふん4시よじ4분よんぷん16분じゅうろっふん28분にじゅうはっぷん5시ごじ5분ごふん17분じゅうななふん29분にじゅうきゅうふん6시ろくじ6분ろっぷん18분じゅうはっぷん30분さんじゅぷん はん7시しちじ7분ななふん19분じゅうきゅうふん 8시はちじ8분はっぷん20분にじゅっぷん 9시くじ9분きゅうふん21분にじゅういっぷん 10시じゅうじ10분じゅっぷん22분にじゅうにふん 11시じゅういちじ11분じゅういっぷん23분にじゅうさんぷん 12시じゅうにじ12분じゅうにふん24분にじゅうよんぷん 時(じ): (몇) 시〜から 〜まで: ~부터 ~까지何時から何時までですか: 몇 시부터 ..
큰 숫자 세기100ひゃく200にひゃく300さんびゃく400よんひゃく500ごひゃく600ろっぴゃく700ななひゃく800はっぴゃく900きゅうひゃく1000せん2000にせん3000さんぜん4000よんせん5000ごせん6000ろくせん7000ななせん8000はっせん9000きゅうせん10000いちまん20000にまん30000さんまん40000よんまん50000ごまん60000ろくまん70000ななまん80000はちまん90000きゅうまん100000じゅうまん ~いくらですか: 얼마입니까?ごれいくらですか: 이거 얼마입니까?550円です: 550엔 입니다.全部でいくらですか: 전부해서 얼마입니까?
개수 세는 법 숫자 세기개수 세기0れい ゼロ 1いちひとつ2にふたつ3さんみっつ4し よん よよっつ5ごいつつ6ろくむっつ7しち ななななつ8はちやっつ9きゅう くここのつ10じゅうとお 〜ください: ~ 주세요これ三つください: 이거 3개 주세요.ハンバーガー一つください: 햄버거 1개 주세요.りんご一つとみかん三つください: 사과 1개와 귤 3개 주세요.
호칭 정리 남의 가족나의 가족할아버지おじいさんそふ할머니おばあさんそぼ아버지お父さん(おとうさん)父(ちち)어머니お母さん(おかあさん)母(はは)오빠, 형お兄さん(おにいさん)兄(あに)언니, 누나お姉さん(おねえさん)姉(あね)남동생弟さん(おとうとさん)弟(おとうと)여동생妹さん(いもうとさん)妹(いもうと)남편ご主人(ごしゅじん)主人(しゅじん) おっと아내奥さん(おくさん)妻(つま)아들息子さん(むすこさん)息子(むすこ)딸娘さん(むすめさん)娘(むすめ)부모님ご両親(ごりょうしん)両親(りょうしん) 親(おや)자녀분お子さん(おこさん)うちの子(うちのこ) 〜と: ~와, 는父と母と息子と娘と私の5人家族です: 아버지와 어머니와 남동생과 여동생과 저 5명 가족입니다. あの方(おのかた): 저분あの方はあなたの母ですか: 저 분은 당신의 어머니입니까?→あの:..
인칭대명사1인칭私(わたし):나, 저私はキムさんです: 저는 김씨입니다. 2인칭あなた: 당신あなたのぼうしですか: 당신 모자입니까? 3인칭彼(かれ): 그 彼のコートは白いです: 그의 코트는 하얗다.彼女(かのじょ): 그녀彼女の靴は赤いです: 그녀의 구두는 빨갛다. 부정칭だれ: 누구これはだれのかさですか: 이건 누구의 우산입니까 どなた: 어느분田中さんはどなたですか: 타나카씨는 어느 분이에요? すみません: 죄송합니다. 감사합니다. 저기요しつれいします:실례합니다. (들어갈 때)お失礼します: 먼저 들어가보겠습니다. どうぞ: 자 여기요.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion. I agree with this statement. Nowadays, mass media usually focuses on celebrities's individual lives. It is a kind of social problem...
Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.I think a high-paying job is more valuable than a lower-paying job for me. Even though I don't have enough time with my family, I ca..
Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay. I think it is better to learn from a teacher than learning yourself. Of course, some geniuses can learn themselves properly. But most of us are not geniuses.First of all, there are many obstacles ..