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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 46 본문


Daily English School - 46

LeoBehindK 2023. 7. 19. 00:45

Sentence Construction:
X Today also it was rained so in the morning, it was a huge rain. >> Today it also rained heavily in the morning.
X  I’m conscious of my work of ability.  >>  I’m conscious of my work ability. /  I’m conscious of my ability to work.
X Chinese is the biggest barrier of making friends. >> Chinese is the biggest barrier to making friends.
X This article is about the story of the man who had prove he is not guilty.  >> This article is about the story of the man who has proven himself not guilty.
X He is prosecute about charge of rape.  >> He was prosecuted and charged of rape.
X Now he prove that he is not guilty.  >>  Now he proves that he is not guilty.

Good Sentences:
O Surprisingly, the intern is 10 years exactly younger than me.  
O Standing on the stage makes me nervous.
O I cannot pretend to advise you.
O I’m gonna check if the coast is clear.
O Hand washing is effective at keeping colds at bay.
O Don’t worry there are plenty more fish in the sea.
O I have no wish to rock the boat on that.
O He is a former footballer in England and he was so famous.
O He wants to rebuild his life now.
O He lost everything because he was prosecuted.

* acquittal /uh-kwit-l/
* court /kawrt/
* trial /trahy-uhl/
* reached /reecht/
* verdict /vur-dikt/
* innuendo /in-yoo-en-doh/
* inevitably /in-ev-i-tuh-blee/
* marseille /maar-say/

Build Lexicon:
* acquittal := (n) an official decision in court that a person is not guilty of a crime.
   Example: The jury voted for acquittal.
* innuendo := (n) a remark or remarks that suggest something sexual or something unpleasant but do not refer to it directly.
   Example: The song is full of sexual innuendo.
* verdict := (n) an official judgment made in court or at an inquest (= an official investigation into somebody's death).
   Example: The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death.
* steadfast := (adj) not changing in your attitudes or aims.
   Example: He remained steadfast in his determination to bring the killers to justice.

the prosecutors called for his acquittal.

You say it's rumor and innuendo. 

The murderer had to accept a guilty verdict. 

Soldiers must have steadfast loyalty. 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* date rape := to force sex upon someone during the course of a date or other social outing.
   Example: The survey found that many men who date rape are meticulously conscious about how they go about it.
* rape culture := a society whose widespread views and actions (such as victim blaming and dismissive attitudes toward sexual trauma) have the effect of normalizing rape.
   Example: A rape culture ignores and thus perpetuates the devastating physical and psychological effects of rape.
* to get caught red handed := means to be caught in the act of committing a crime or breaking a rule.
   Example: I caught one of my students red handed today. He had a cheat sheet with him during the test.
* white-collar crime :=  is non-violent financial crime committed by high-ranking members of government or business.
   Example: Our CEO was accused of a variety of white-collar crimes. He was eventually arrested on embezzlement charges.

most rape cases nowadays involve so-called date rape.

We must actively work together to dismantle rape culture and create a safer, more respectful society for everyone.

He tried to steal the money from the cash register, but he got caught red-handed by the store manager.

White-collar crime, and fraud, poses a complex challenge for law enforcement.


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