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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 45 본문


Daily English School - 45

LeoBehindK 2023. 7. 17. 23:42

Sentence Construction:
X As you know today is Korean Holiday but I should went to work. >> As you know today is a Korean Holiday but it was amended so I have to go to work.
X I went to nearby mountain with my dog and wife. >>  I went to a nearby mountain with my dog and wife.
X When we came back home my dog ache his foot and slept whole day. >> When we came back home my dog’s foot ached and slept the whole day.
X Broadcast said maybe rainy day continues in five days.   >> Broadcast said maybe the rainy day will continue for five days.  
X One bus and some cars are sank under the bridge. >> One bus and some cars sank under the bridge.
X It systemical problem because this route.  >>  It is a systemic problem because of this route.
X The route which has accident has systemical problems. >> The route which has accidents has systemic problems.
X The politicians hesitated resolve the issue.  >>  The politicians hesitated to resolve the issue.
X You throw caution to the wind but you always seemed to enjoy yourself.  >> You throw caution to the wind but you always seem to enjoy yourself. / You threw caution to the wind but you always seemed to enjoy yourself.

Good Sentences:
O We walked for nearly four hours and we came back home.
O There were too many dogs in there.
O Politicians didn’t have any resolution or actions so citizens are very angry now.
O In order to prevent this kind of accident, a rich neighborhood would experience the same problem.
O There is wide fluctuation in the prices of commodities.
O The house threatened to toppled over in them.
O This is in stark contrast to the behavior in other countries.
O A couple of days, I’m gonna be right as rain.
O Show goes on come rain or shine.
O She apologized for having rained on my parade.
O This article is about the concert under the sea.
O This concert was made for protecting sea livings.

* several /sev-ruhl/
* fluctuation /fluhk-choo-ey-shuhn/
* conscious /kon-shuhs/
* sanctuary /sangk-choo-er-ee/
* radio /rey-dee-oh/
* submarine /suhb-muh-reen/
* pirates /pahy-ruhts/

* caribbean /kar-uh-bee-uhn/
* chamber /cheym-ber/
* commerce /kom-ers/
* instruments /in-struh-muhnt/
* staged /steyjt/

Build Lexicon:
* conscious := (adj) aware of something; concerned with or anxious about a particular thing.
   Example: We are all conscious of the fact that we'll lose a lot of money if the project fails.
* barrier := (n) something that prevents movement, access, etc.
   Example: This tall hedge serves as a barrier between the two properties.
* pretend := (n) to act as if something is the case when it is not.
   Example: My little brother loves dressing up and pretending to be a pirate.
* stage := (v) to organize a performance of a play or other show.
   Example: Last summer, the city staged a series of free outdoor concerts in the park.

I am conscious of my want of ability. 

Shyness is the biggest barrier to making friends. 

I cannot pretend to advise you. 

Standing on the stage makes me nervous. 

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* the coast is clear := no one is watching.
   Example: The coast is clear, you don't have to hide any more.
* keep something at bay := prevent something from harming you.
   Example: Exercise and a healthy diet can help keep fat at bay.
* plenty more fish in the sea := there are many other people or possibilities to be found. You usually say this to make somebody feel better.
   Example: Don't worry, you will find another boyfriend soon. They're plenty more fish in the sea.
* rock the boat := to do or say something that will upset people or cause trouble.
   Example: Everybody is happy with the decision. Try not to rock the boat.

I'm gonna check if the coast is clear. 

Handwashing is effective at keeping colds at bay. 

But don't worry, there are plenty more fish in the sea. 

I have no wish to rock the boat on that. 



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