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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 47 본문


Daily English School - 47

LeoBehindK 2023. 7. 19. 23:43

Sentence Construction:
X On the weekend, I planned to house cleaning. >>  On the weekend, I planned to do house cleaning.
X This article is about some workers who move to around labor market because interest rate and price rising after pandemic era. >> This article is about some workers who move around the labor market because interest rates and prices are rising after the pandemic era.
X In this time, there are another crisis which is inflation. >> At this time, there is another crisis which is inflation.
X People wants search other jobs for more jobs which can be jobs for more money. >>  People want to search for other jobs in which they will earn more money.
X For example for this food price is rising, I don’t buy enough foods at the store. >> For instance, if the food prices are rising I won’t be able to buy enough food at the store.
X Every year, most good price is rising but my salary does not rising. >>  Every year, the price is rising but my salary isn’t rising.
X I think many companies, didn’t want to pay more salaries for employees. >>  I think many companies didn't want to pay more salaries for employees.
X I think depends on country culture because in the US, someone who has talents can earn more money. >>  I think it depends on the country's culture because in the US, someone who has talents can earn more money.

Good Sentences:
O Fortunately it didn’t rain any further.  
O The prosecutors called for his acquittal.
O You say its rumor and innuendo.
O The murderer had to accept a guilty verdict.
O Soldiers must have steadfast rule.
O Most rape cases nowadays involved so called date rape.
O We must actively work together to dismantle rape culture.
O He tried to steal the money from the cash registrar but he got caught red handed by the store manager.
O White-collar crime and fraud imposes a complex challenge for law enforcement.

* jury /joor-ee/
* society /suh-sahy-i-tee/
* rape /reyp/
* perpetuate / per-pech-oo-eyt/
* rule /rool/
* meticulously /muh-tik-yuh-luhs-lee/
* embezzlement  /uhm-beh-zuhl-muhnt/
* fraud /frawd/
* driven /driv-uhn/
* availability /uh-vey-luh-bil-i-tee/
* contrary /kon-trer-ee/
* conference /kon/fruhns/  
* vacancies /vey-kuhn-sees/
* shrink /shringk/
* labor /ley-ber/

Build Lexicon:
* savvy := (n) practical knowledge or understanding of something.
   Example: Skill isn’t enough—you need savvy too.
* outstrip := (v) to become larger, more important, etc. than somebody/something.
   Example: The demand is outstripping supply.
* attrition := (n) the process of reducing the number of people who are employed by an organization by, for example, not replacing people who leave their jobs.
   Example: After these meetings, our employee attrition rate dropped from 13 percent to 11 percent.
* token :=  (n) ​something that is a symbol of a feeling, a fact, an event, etc.
   Example: Please accept this small gift as a token of our gratitude.

We are far more savvy shoppers now. 

We should outstrip them by far. 

This is a war of attrition without any winners. 

This is just a small token of my appreciation

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* quit while you're ahead := this phrase can be used to express the idea that one should stop doing something that's rewarding but risky before something bad happens.
   Example: You've already made a good profit from the share market, so why don't you sell your shares and quit while you're ahead.
* call it quits := to stop doing something or to end a relationship.
   Example: My parents called it quits and got divorced a few months ago.
* beyond one's means := to spend more money than you can afford.
   Example: The trip was just beyond our means.
* down-and-out := having no money, no job and no home.
   Example: She left him when he was down-and-out.

I'm going to quit while I'm ahead. 

It is time to call it quits for the show. 

he lives beyond his means

He seems to be down and out on this one. 


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