Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 194 본문


Daily English School - 194

LeoBehindK 2024. 5. 31. 06:00

Date: 05/30/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: Tax-payers shouldering most of burden for pension childbirth credit programs


Tax-payers shouldering most of burden for pension childbirth credit programs

In a bid to battle the low fertility rate in South Korea, there are ongoing talks to expand the benefits for childbirth by adjusting the childbirth credit system, which reduces the mandated subscription period of National Pension plans for those who have g


Sentence Construction:

X Maybe before Tuesday I have to finish that. >> I have to finish that before Tuesday.

X One of the most healthy grain is brown rice. >> One of the healthiest grains is brown rice.

X The sourdough would taste good. >> Sourdough seemed to taste good.

X Scientists should break new ground to find new theory> >> Scientists should break new ground in to come up with a new theory

X I don’t like the reinvent the wheel. >> I don’t like reinventing the wheel.

X People don’t believe that. >> People will not believe that.

* yeast /yeest/
* harvest /hahr-vist/
* naturally /nach-er-uh-lee./
* innovative /in-uh-vey-tiv/
* focus /foh-kuhs/
* wheel /weel, hweel/
* mandatory /man-duh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee/
* demographic /dem-uh-graf-ik, dee-muh-/

Build Lexicon:

* deemed := (v.) considered or judged to be.

Example: The project was deemed a success by the committee.

* slated := (v.) to schedule or plan for a particular time or date. (adj.) Having a planned or scheduled time or date.

Example: (v.) The meeting is slated for 3:00 PM tomorrow.

Example: (adj.) The project has a slated completion date of next month.

* mulling := (v.) to consider or think about something deeply and at length.

Example:  She was mulling over whether to accept the job offer.

* conscripted := (v.) enrolled or drafted into military service involuntarily.

Example:  During the war, many young men were conscripted into the army.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* shoulder the load := accept or take on a heavy responsibility.

Example: As the CEO, she shoulders the load of making tough decisions for the company's future.

* pick up the slack := compensate for another's failure to do their share of work.

Example: After two team members called in sick, Sarah had to pick up the slack and complete the project on her own.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic,  Survey Finds Average Age We Stop Being Cool


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