Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 202 본문


Daily English School - 202

LeoBehindK 2024. 6. 19. 18:18

Date: 06/19/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: Fiji's PM Wins Bronze Medal in Athletics Competition


Fiji's PM Wins Bronze Medal in Athletics Competition | Engoo Daily News

The retirement age in Fiji is 62 — but perhaps no one has told Sitiveni Rabuka.


Sentence Construction:

X The recipe was too big for me, so I had to halve it >> The recipe was too big for me, so I had to halve it.

X I think it is important to draw the line between criticism and rudeness. >> I believe it's important to draw the line between constructive criticism and rudeness.

X Steve Jobs innovative ideas really made waves in the tech industry. >>
Steve Jobs' innovative ideas truly made waves in the tech industry.

X Sorry I should got a call. >> Sorry I just need to get this call.

X He was so proud of himself. >> He likely felt proud and accomplished.

X Because he was old man. >> Because he was an old man.

X This make me bring more confident to join any competition. >> This makes me more confident to join any competition.

* abrupt /uh-bruhpt/
* criticism /krit-uh-siz-uhm/
* malfunction /mal-fuhngk-shuhn/
* ignore /ig-nawr, -nohr/
* situation /sich-oo-ey-shuhn/
* grievance /gree-vuhns/
* retirement /ri-tahyuhr-muhnt/
* Oceania /oh-shee-an-ee-uh/

Build Lexicon:

* amateur := (n.) a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid basis.

Example: The painting looked like the work of an amateur rather than a professional artist.

* behalf := (n.) in the interests of a person, group, or principle; as a representative of.

Example:  She accepted the award on behalf of her team.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* ace in the hole := something or someone that can ensure success, especially in a difficult situation.

Example: His rigorous training regime was the ace in the hole that helped Fiji's PM secure the bronze medal.

* cross the finish line := to successfully complete a task or achieve a goal.

Example: After months of preparation and hard work, Fiji's PM finally crossed the finish line by winning a medal in the athletics competition.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic,  Waymo recalls driverless cars to make them less likely to drive into poles


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