Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 200 본문


Daily English School - 200

LeoBehindK 2024. 6. 18. 17:58

Date: 06/17/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: Wordle vs Worldle: New York Times Sues Geography Game


Wordle vs Worldle: New York Times Sues Geography Game | Engoo Daily News

When Josh Wardle created Wordle, his goal was to make a fun game to play with his girlfriend.


Sentence Construction:

X only for 1 hour. >> I took the dog for a walk for just an hour.

X less of time I took a rest at home. >> The rest of the time, I rested at home.

X In the soccer game, our opponents a goal early in a game, it may open the floodgates. >> In the soccer game, if our opponents score a goal early, it may open the floodgates.

X Before deciding the options to solve our problems in our project, to test the water, I asked my boss about that. >> Before deciding on the options to solve our project's problems, I tested the waters by asking my boss about them.

X Other game was maded. >> Other games were made.

X Mcdonald didn’t agree that. >> McDonald didn’t agree with that.

X He thought that it is not problem. >> He thought that it was not a problem.

* allow /uh-lou/
* depict / dih-pikt/
* employee /em-ploi-ee, em-ploi-ee/
* reveal /ri-veel/
* accuracy /ak-yer-uh-see/
* floodgate /fluhd-geyt/
* citizen /sit-uh-zuhn, -suhn/
* alone /uh-lohn/

Build Lexicon:

* tidy :=  (adj.) / (v.) neat and orderly in appearance or arrangement.

Example: (adj.) The living room was remarkably tidy after the weekend clean-up.

Example: (v.) She spent the afternoon tidying her bedroom.

* dispute := (n.) / (v.) a disagreement or argument.
Example: (n.) The two neighbors had a dispute over the property boundary.

Example: (v.) They disputed the results of the election, demanding a recount.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* cry foul := to complain that something is unfair or illegal.

Example: The New York Times cried foul, stating that the geography game blatantly copied their copyrighted material without permission.

* throw down the gauntlet := to challenge someone to a contest or to take up a challenge in a bold way.

Example: The New York Times has thrown down the gauntlet by filing a lawsuit against the creators of the geography game, alleging intellectual property infringement.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic,  How will med professors' walkout on June 18 impact hospitals? https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240614050500


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