Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 203 본문


Daily English School - 203

LeoBehindK 2024. 6. 21. 00:47

Date: 06/20/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: Waymo recalls driverless cars to make them less likely to drive into poles


Waymo recalls driverless cars to make them less likely to drive into poles | CNN Business

Video Jon Stewart takes on the upcoming election 1:40 Jun 18, 2024


Sentence Construction:

X At work we should do as a pro not as a amateur. >> At work, we should perform as professionals, not amateurs.

X Last year, I got the prize on behalf of my boss. >> Last year, I received the prize on behalf of my boss.

X My boss always has an ace in the hole when he is negotiate something. >> My boss always has an ace in the hole when he is negotiating something.

X Never think about the victory until you cross the finish line. >> Never think about victory until you cross the finish line.

X I might believe in that autonomous vehicle. >> I might believe in that autonomous vehicle.

X Cars driven by a person >> Cars that are manually driven

X It moved by software. >> It is moved by the software

* tomorrow /tuh-mawr-oh, -mor-oh/
* innovative /in-uh-vey-tiv/
* competition /kom-pi-tish-uhn/
* amateur /am-uh-choor, -cher/
* behalf /bih-haf, -hahf/
* award /uh-wawrd/
* accepted /ak-sep-tid, ik-/
* driverless /drahy-ver-lis/

Build Lexicon:

* struck := (v.) to hit or deal a blow to someone or something (past tense of strike).  (n.) a discovery of a valuable mineral deposit, usually of precious metals like gold or silver. (adj.) Having been hit or affected by something, typically something negative (less common, used in informal contexts).

Example: (v.) He struck the ball with tremendous force.

Example: (n.) The miners made a rich strike in the mountain.

Example: (adj.) She was emotionally struck by the news of his passing.

* fleet := (n.) refers to a group of ships sailing together, under the same ownership or command. (adj.) describes something that is swift or nimble. (v.) means to move swiftly or pass quickly.

Example: (n.) The naval fleet sailed into the harbor.

Example: (adj.) She watched the fleet foxes dart through the forest.

Example: (v.) The days fleet by during the busy season.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* back to the drawing board :=  to start over again because a plan or idea failed.

Example: The prototype didn't work as expected, so it's back to the drawing board for our engineering team.

* off the rails := to go out of control or fail unexpectedly.

Example: After the project manager quit, the whole project went off the rails.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic,  Somalia wins UN Security Council seat


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