Date: 03/13/2025
Student: Dawoon Kim
Topic: Seoul makes U-turn on med school expansion as Yoon ruling nears
Sentence Construction:
X This car is rental car. >> This car is a rental car.
X The President Yoon tried to expand the amount of student. >> President Yoon tried to increase the number of students.
X It can be treaten to them in the market. >> It can be a threat to them in the market.
X After this law is working the student will suddenly denied the classes even in University so this law is totally fail. >> After this law takes effect, students will suddenly be denied classes, even in university, so this law is a total failure.
X President isn't impeach yet. >> The president hasn't been impeached yet.
X I totally disagree this kind of law because government didn't make any meetings with the medical students for this kind of law. >> I totally disagree with this law because the government didn't hold any meetings with the medical students about it.
X Each person go to hospital 30 times per year. >> Each person goes to the hospital 30 times per year.
* threat /thret/
* enrol /en-rohl/
* situation /sich-oo-ey-shuhn/
* phenomenon /fi-nom-uh-non, -nuhn/
* government /guhv-ern-muhnt, ‑er-muhnt/
* temperature /tem-per-uh-cher, -choor
* realization /ree-uh-luh-zey-shuhn/
* representation /rep-ri-zen-tey-shuhn, -zuhn-/
Build Lexicon:
* Reversal := (n.) The act of changing a decision or policy to its previous state.
Example: The government’s reversal of the admission increase surprised many people.
* Standoff := (n.) A situation in which neither side can come to an agreement.
Example: The standoff between the doctors and the government has lasted for over a year.
* Quota := (n.) A fixed number or limit for something.
Example: The government set a new quota for medical school admissions.
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* Back to square one := Returning to the beginning of a process after a failed attempt.
Example: After reversing the admission increase, the government is back to square one.
* Draw the line := To set a limit on what is acceptable.
Example: The university deans decided to draw the line on increasing admissions.
* Caught in the middle := Being in a difficult situation between two opposing sides.
Example: Medical students feel caught in the middle of the government and doctors' dispute.
* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic, Fog harvesting could provide water for dry cities